What's the big deal? People make fun of other people every day. It's just part of life....was it wrong yes if he was making fun of the reporter but that issue is so miniscule compared to the dung load of crimes the pant-suit wearing drill seargent (that's the only way she speaks (talk down to people and like a droning blender)) running for the donkeys has committed....it's like comparing an atom to a soccer ball ....the scale is much bigger and can be seen from a long distance.....
Next it will be another dumb issue like Trump married a woman with an immigrant accent....oh what a crime! Quick let's hound the man.....
Clinton is cleaner and clearer than germ-x .....let us all bow down to the champion of justice ms clinton.....oh wait....not.
Next it will be another dumb issue like Trump married a woman with an immigrant accent....oh what a crime! Quick let's hound the man.....
Clinton is cleaner and clearer than germ-x .....let us all bow down to the champion of justice ms clinton.....oh wait....not.