Peter, if my spirit was simply my emotions, then my emotions are the only part of me that lives forever.
AND, I had emotions BEFORE I received Gods' Spirit to quicken my spirit to life.
I had experienced every emotion known to man BEFORE I met God.
Peter, for as much as you accuse others of new age stuff, this is sounding a lot like it.
AND, I had emotions BEFORE I received Gods' Spirit to quicken my spirit to life.
I had experienced every emotion known to man BEFORE I met God.
Peter, for as much as you accuse others of new age stuff, this is sounding a lot like it.
As I have said, 5 things are said to make up a person. Their body, their mind, soul, spirit, heart.
Add to this carnal desires, or desires rooted in our physical needs, sometimes called the flesh, things
related to this earth and its survival. Now God says all of it will go to eternity.
There will be a new heaven and a new earth and Gods dwelling will be with man. Jesus was risen with
a new body, the resurrection body. Nothing is innately evil in us, it turns to evil because of a lack of
communion/relationship with God.