Yes, vastly get a gun here involves bribery and also showing that you need one for self-defense/threat purposes to your life. 99% of the populous are unarmed, except for the police and military and a few people who obtain guns illegally on the borders.
If I could get one legally I would but it's just too cost prohibitive and lengthy with the paperwork and bribes you have to give to officials to process your paperwork.
I just wanted to know what the gun laws are over there, because it's an area I would like to get more informed in. I know you have the right to kill an intruder but you have to make sure they are inside your house before you shoot or something like that is what I've read.....if after you shot them you have to drag their body into the house to show them as an intruder? IDK but read some interesting things on the net so it piqued my curiosity.
In most states, the process for buying a gun is to fill out a form with questions about your "history"... have you ever been arrested, have you ever renounced your citizenship, that type of thing. The seller then contacts, by phone, the NICS system, which is the instant background check system. They run your SS# through the system, and if nothing comes up negative, they give the seller an approval number, which allows them to sell you the firearm.
If any "red flags" appear, then the purchase is delayed for 3 days, supposedly allowing the NICS system to investigate you further. If the seller doesn't hear anything back from NICS within 3 days, you are allowed to purchase the firearm.
There are several things that can disqualify you from firearms purchases... being a convicted felon, being arrested for domestic violence, being mentally unstable (who would admit to that?), being a "fugitive from justice"....
That is the FEDERAL requirement, in a nutshell. That is required ANYWHERE in the US. There are also states that have their own restrictions above and beyond the Federal ones. California is perhaps the most restrictive state, although I'm not positive of that. In Cali, you cannot purchase a firearm that holds more than 10 rounds of ammo. There is a list of firearms that are ok for sale there, and if a firearm is not on that list.... you can't buy it there.
Some cities have even more stringent laws... Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, New York.... in places like that, it is virtually impossible to buy a handgun, or one of those evil "assault rifles"
Strangely enough, those are the cities with the highest rates of gun violence and crime. Go figure...
Fully automatic firearms, silencers, sawed off shotguns or rifles, are NOT legal to own, unless you fill out the proper paperwork, pay a registration fee (approximately $250 per item) and pass a very stringent FBI background investigation. I believe you also have to have the approval of the main law enforcement official where you live... chief of police, or sheriff.
At this point in time, it is still legal for an individual to sell his/her firearm to another individual without going through a background check. This is intended to make it ok to sell your buddy your deer rifle, if you want to, without going through the governmental hoops.
There are people that only buy from individuals, so they can own an "unregistered" firearm. This is somewhat un-necessary, because the Federal government is not legally allowed to keep a "gun registry" of individual citizens. I'm not saying they don't do it, but it's unconstitutional.
When a firearm is purchased, it is on record (somewhere?) by serial number as being purchased by whoever purchased it first. So, to aid in criminal investigations, the database can be searched by serial number to find the "history" of that firearm. I don't believe the government can do a search on me, specifically, to see how many firearms I own. I could be wrong about that.... and probably am.
Anyway, I hope that is at least SOME information about how things go up here....