It's not the "mean" part... lol It's the, "Trump's only sin is he isn't PC", "a vote for anyone but Trump is a vote for Hillary", "I'm going to cyber troll you because you disagree with me", "Trump is a strong Christian so Obama has been auditing him for 13+ years in a row... even if the math doesn't fit as Obama has only been president for less than 8 years and Trump identified as a Democrat as late as 2004", etc...
For me, it's the argument of not voting for the lesser of two evils. However, his supporters are being counter productive. They are able to clearly see Hillary's corruption but for some reason, blinded by Trump's. It's a pretty big turn off.
For me, it's the argument of not voting for the lesser of two evils. However, his supporters are being counter productive. They are able to clearly see Hillary's corruption but for some reason, blinded by Trump's. It's a pretty big turn off.