If everyone stayed single, marriage and divorce and adultery couldn't happen. lol.. My advice: stay single, ladies!!
But fornication and other sins would be rampant and kids wouldn't have stable homes because people will be chasing after their lists instead of learning to live with another person, compromise and love someone else even when you don't like them.
Marriage is meant to teach us how to be ONE. in purpose, love and life with another. It's a holy insitution that should reflect the relationship that God has with His Church. It's not always about happiness and liking the other person...it's about joy and love which are deeper emotions because even if you fight and disagree, if you have love and grace, you will forgive and grow because you have a joint goal: using your lives to glorify God and show His love to strangers outside your circle of family and friends. Raising our kids to love God and listen to His Holy Spirit, be mature and responsible hard working members of society.
At least that is what my marriage is based on.