I like to support a charity which protects animals and advocates for their welfare.
A christian I know recently told me that we shouldn't support animal charities and should instead only give money to charities which help people. This person argued against the existence of animal-based charities altogether, saying that any effort and money that goes into charity should be for the purpose of assisting humans.
Do you guys agree with this?
I don't agree, for 2 reasons:
1. God gave us the world. I think God would want us to look after the animals.
2. I think every human being, regardless of their situation, can do something out of their own initiative and effort to improve their situation, even if it is only a mild improvement, even if it involves walking 10 days without food carrying three family members to get to another town. Animals in captivity don't have the same luxury.
Sometimes I feel more sympathy towards animals than humans, because animals that are being mistreated have no way to escape and did not at all contribute to their misery, whereas I think humans often have themselves to blame for their situation, or can be more proactive in solving their own problems.
What do you guys think? Should Christians donate to animal charities?
A christian I know recently told me that we shouldn't support animal charities and should instead only give money to charities which help people. This person argued against the existence of animal-based charities altogether, saying that any effort and money that goes into charity should be for the purpose of assisting humans.
Do you guys agree with this?
I don't agree, for 2 reasons:
1. God gave us the world. I think God would want us to look after the animals.
2. I think every human being, regardless of their situation, can do something out of their own initiative and effort to improve their situation, even if it is only a mild improvement, even if it involves walking 10 days without food carrying three family members to get to another town. Animals in captivity don't have the same luxury.
Sometimes I feel more sympathy towards animals than humans, because animals that are being mistreated have no way to escape and did not at all contribute to their misery, whereas I think humans often have themselves to blame for their situation, or can be more proactive in solving their own problems.
What do you guys think? Should Christians donate to animal charities?