Miri, your example makes sense but you had to take it to the extreme to do so. That's not a balanced approach at all.
Im not sure there is a balance in the usual sense. There is darkness and there is
light. It's kind of like thinking we can stray into the gray area and that's ok, but
how dark does the gray area have to be before we walk too far away from the light and
too far into the darkness.
Different people have different levels of tolarence and sensitivity. Not that I am
criticising anyone, I've done the same especially as a young person and adult, I think we
all do.
We all read books, watch TV, etc scare the living day lights out of ourselves and think
"that's cool". But over time it takes more scary stuff to get the same effect as we
become desensitised. Then before you know it you can watch a demon chopping off
the head of a person in a horror film and barely flinch at it. That is what bothers me
the most, this subtle desensitisation to the "dark side".
Children especially have vivid imaginations and are also innocent yet daily they are
exposed to a raft of demonic, evil, programs and books. I was flicking channels the
other day and came across a cartoon on the kids channel. It was about a
hero defeating the world with the help of cartoon and a friend he called
demon. They were casting spells! I was shocked! Is this harmless imaginary
entertainment or is this preconditioning children to accept satanic practices without
even questioning them.
I'm not saying the programme produces were deliberately going out of their
way to influence children in such a way. They probably thought it was a bit of
light horror cartoon fun, but why did that programme concept even occur to
someone. It has its roots elsewhere in the demonic.
Tintin honest evil is at work. It's subtle, it creeps in until it becomes
the norm in every day life. The adult programmes on TV are far far worse than I
ever remember them to be. On a daily basis there are at least several programmes
to do with ghost hunting, contacting the dead, people communicating with spirits,
witches etc.
I agree that a bit of waving a glitzy toy wand around by a child pretending to be a super
hero is not going to sell anyone's soul to the devil. Lol
But it's the build up over time, the increasing desensitisation, the way darkness
then becomes glorified and people would rather talk about zombie battles than they
would about Christ.
Not sure what it is like where you are but in my region there has been an increasing
number of witch tours around cities, mock zombie hunts where people dress up etc.
That never use to happen. But people want more they are no longer content to
watch a movie, they want to enact it out now.
It is up to each Christian to decide for themselves where they draw their own
line and for each parent to decide what they will allow into their children's lives.
The trouble is, some never draw that line they think it's all harmless fun.