Sorry I haven't been able to get into CC for days! Glad the attack is over!
That video of a man supposedly giving Hillary a clip board of notes is hilarious! For one thing, she never looked down during the whole debate. That would render those notes rather superfluous! (As opposed to the weirdest and oddest faces Trump kept making. Can you say any foreign delegate would be insulted? Or that most people outgrow the making faces when they are bored thing before they get to school!)
Then there is Trump in the front. He coudn't see the notes being brought in, or being used? Is he that slow, that Hillary was cheating before his very eyes, and he didn't notice or call her on it? Surely that would have won the debate for him?
Talk about grasping at straws when the ship is sinking.
Then there are the latest tapes revealed about his rude and sexist remarks from 10 years ago. Do old men really change their tune that much in 11 years? He is 70 now, and has been set in his ways far too long for anyone to say he has changed! Or will change! Especially if he somehow got elected, this is a man of whom the saying "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" would be the textbook example of.
And defending him is just abhorrent. My husband has never said anything like that about a women in his life. My father played pro football, and he never, ever said a sexist or misogynist thing against a women (or women!) in his life. And he was not a Christian till the lasted months he lived, in his 80's. He was always respectful of women, remembering his mother, sisters, wife and children. He encouraged my sister and I to go for as much as we wanted and we did.
It is appalling that people are having to choose between Hillary's lies, and Trump's total lack of character and knowledge, and experience in anything political. I still wish people would look seriously at Gary Johnson. I do not personally like his positions, but maybe having someone with political experience, for both President and VP, and being ethical should count for something.
I think right about now, so many Republicans are jumping ship it is crazy. I wonder if this will turn out to be the lowest voter turnout in the history of the US, because no one wants to vote for either candidate?
But it does go to show how important the primaries and the choices are for the presidential candidates are. The Republicans should have stopped this train wreck a long time ago! Instead, the train is already derailed, with people picking up the dead bodies everywhere.