I am so not the one to have an opinion about this topic. The best I can say is be yourself and who God designed you to be and God will match you up with your equal who will love you the way you are and for who God made you to be and live by the heart's conviction in compassion and respect for spouce and children and to your ownself. The best way to manage any role or possition is opporate in God's love and set propper boundries so not to be fooled into the wrong kind of role to conveiniance another and sufficating God's plan for your role in your life. What ever the task or role in family or church or career remember are you in God's perfect will instead of settling for what man wants. A real man of God will recognize when a woman is in God's perfect plan and her role in her life. When you are serving God's plan and role He directed you to do you will be doing your role as a woman.