I have very bad habits I will not lie. I have a bad mouth I swear like a trucker some days.. I try very hard to stop this bad habit as It is making me feel like I am a awful dirty person. I just got so angry in trying so hard to deal with all the difficulty in my life and people in my life like husband and my children push my buttons and make me angry and I just blurt it out with out even thinking. I feel horrible as I do not want to continue this pattern. They also have very vulgar mouths and this does make not make it easy for me to change my ways.... How do I work on this when I feel like I can never get this cycle to stop? I talk to God and I say I am very sorry for my behaviors but does God forgive me or because I ask for forgiveness but keep doing it will he not forgive me? I ask him for strength to change many of my ways but I am a work in progress I know he knows I am but I don't want it to be to late I guess is what I am saying.