I have read the passages in Peter and Corinthians on how I should act towards my unbeliving husband. However , I have no role model in how a wife or husband should work or act. I'm the type of person to go by a book in how to act and do things but that doesn't seem to be enough. Please my husband is deciding to stay or leave within the next 6 days if I do not show I care more. I've done everything, yet it is not enough. Any guidance would be great
What are his grievances, exactly? Do you argue a lot? Does he have legitimate concerns, or is he just the type to find fault over everything?
I don't know the specifics of your situation, but here are somethings I think could appeal to a lot of husbands. Are you at home when your husband gets there? If so, you could do this. Make a drink he likes and have it ready when he gets home. Greet him at the door with a warm, genuine, hug and kiss. Ask him if he'd like to sit down and have something to drink. You might add a snack like a piece of cake. When he sits down, bring him something to drink and sit down on the floor next to the chair by his legs, and talk with him.
Don't criticize or argue. Listen when he talks. Pretend like you are newly weds or a newly dating couple deeply in love. Laugh at his jokes.
Cook his favorite meal. Be generous in the bedroom if he's the type to particularly like that. Also, if he normally initiates, you initiate.
Does he like sports? Ask him if he'd like to watch whatever sport he'd like. Make him some homemade nachos and salsa (or whatever he likes) to snack on while he watches the game. Or buy him tickets to an event he'd like if there is one nearby, and go with him.
Give him a massage. Most people like that. There are lots of ways you can show affection.
If you do see something he's doing wrong you want to address-- after things calm down-- bring it up gently without yelling. Get to the point quick, and don't repeat your grievances over and over again.