I grew up in church got saved and baptized at a young age my parents later seprated and i moved in with my dad.
We stopped going to church where was mentored by my uncle which didnt believe n the bible and told me life was about sex money and knowledge. He got me in to drinking and smokng cigarettes and later was addiction to porn masterbation threw out my teen years from 15 till now i been watching porn everyday and smoking and did many sinful thing like had sex with diffrent girls and had a girl friend for many years having sex and had a baby out of wedlock. My life was getting destroyed from sin but recently starting seeng that these thng were not bringing happiness only jesus can. I am now trying to come back but my heart has really harden abd i have been a really evil person and practiced unrepentant sin. These preaching teach wHen you what i have done jesus shuts the door and gives you over to a Reprobate Mind which jesus rejects you even when you cry for reptants with tears. Im now mature enough to know understand what i have done but i think its too late and were livingbin the final hours.I cant sleep knowing im on my way to hell and my times running out.I want to repent but in the back of my mind i feel its too late. Here are the videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9JywTliIVA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wchDBS6KBG8
We stopped going to church where was mentored by my uncle which didnt believe n the bible and told me life was about sex money and knowledge. He got me in to drinking and smokng cigarettes and later was addiction to porn masterbation threw out my teen years from 15 till now i been watching porn everyday and smoking and did many sinful thing like had sex with diffrent girls and had a girl friend for many years having sex and had a baby out of wedlock. My life was getting destroyed from sin but recently starting seeng that these thng were not bringing happiness only jesus can. I am now trying to come back but my heart has really harden abd i have been a really evil person and practiced unrepentant sin. These preaching teach wHen you what i have done jesus shuts the door and gives you over to a Reprobate Mind which jesus rejects you even when you cry for reptants with tears. Im now mature enough to know understand what i have done but i think its too late and were livingbin the final hours.I cant sleep knowing im on my way to hell and my times running out.I want to repent but in the back of my mind i feel its too late. Here are the videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9JywTliIVA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wchDBS6KBG8