I consider myself to be a liberal Christian, and I certainly don't support gay marriage, abortion or euthenasia, (which just became a big issue in Canada). I have fought steadily against these things, especially the wanton killing of the unborn and elderly, because they are supposedly "unwanted."
What my issue is with conservatives, is that they don't care about the poor, which is what the gospel is all about. When Jesus declared himself in the temple, he read from Isaiah 61:1
"18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed," Luke 4:18
He did not come to make the rich, richer! He did not come to have millions of people die because they couldn't afford health care. (Tommy Douglas, who inititated universal health care in Canada, watched his father die, because the family could not afford a doctor!)
The Old Testament is full of prophets who condemned Israel for not taking care of the poor.
"4 Hear this, you who trample on the needy
and bring the poor of the land to an end,
5 saying, “When will the new moon be over,
that we may sell grain?...
that we may buy the poor for silver
and the needy for a pair of sandals
and sell the chaff of the wheat?” Amos 8:4, 5a, 6.
What do people here think JUSTICE is about?
"8 He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
It is about caring for the poor, and that is a liberal agenda, if ever there was one. It grieves me so much when I see my American brothers and sisters focusing on side issues, when the real issue is taking the gospel to the poor of every sort, which means living with them, among them and giving our lives for them.
This is not about some communist or even socialist agenda, but rather Christians righting the wrongs of greed, and unbridled capitalism, whereby those who have been given less are not just helped by Christians, but the injustices righted!
I just don't see that in your conservative agenda.
What my issue is with conservatives, is that they don't care about the poor, which is what the gospel is all about. When Jesus declared himself in the temple, he read from Isaiah 61:1
"18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed," Luke 4:18
He did not come to make the rich, richer! He did not come to have millions of people die because they couldn't afford health care. (Tommy Douglas, who inititated universal health care in Canada, watched his father die, because the family could not afford a doctor!)
The Old Testament is full of prophets who condemned Israel for not taking care of the poor.
"4 Hear this, you who trample on the needy
and bring the poor of the land to an end,
5 saying, “When will the new moon be over,
that we may sell grain?...
that we may buy the poor for silver
and the needy for a pair of sandals
and sell the chaff of the wheat?” Amos 8:4, 5a, 6.
What do people here think JUSTICE is about?
"8 He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
It is about caring for the poor, and that is a liberal agenda, if ever there was one. It grieves me so much when I see my American brothers and sisters focusing on side issues, when the real issue is taking the gospel to the poor of every sort, which means living with them, among them and giving our lives for them.
This is not about some communist or even socialist agenda, but rather Christians righting the wrongs of greed, and unbridled capitalism, whereby those who have been given less are not just helped by Christians, but the injustices righted!
I just don't see that in your conservative agenda.
I thought Bethune was credited with the Canadian health care system? Sure I learned that in school.Anyhow you and I usually agree but I am conservative and vote that way.I care very much about the poor.That being said I dont think people should be on gov't support cradle to grave unless they are unable to work,disability etc. I find,down here at least,that gov't is throwing away money on people who dont deserve it along with those that do.Just a quick story...A girlfriend I had when I was younger friended me on FB. Sweet girl,great parents,well brought up.I made a comment on FB about people living off the gov't.She sent me a private message saying I had hurt her with what I had said.She had a child and because of abuse had to divorce.Then she said "why cant I have cable tv and a cell phone? Dont I deserve to have a vacation,or have a beer?And yes I got a tattoo,thats no ones business."I was totally shocked! I just apologized for upsetting her and left it at that. So when it comes to govt support I think there needs to be a tight reign on that. And yes you should have to take a drug test IMO.