as of now it appears almost certain that my country has been hijacked by sociopaths who have handed the power to get away with murder to a serial power abuser who is literally insane...
worse...i have seen the american church as a whole willingly and gladly cover itself in this man's filth...turning away from God's ways and embracing utter wickedness and idolatry...they will no doubt commit further blasphemy by claiming God was responsible for this entire travesty...
unfortunately many of the 'christians' on this site are part of that cadre of sociopaths and false christians...i blame them for the damage done to my country and the damage done to the church i love...
i can no longer regard the majority of the people here as brothers and sisters...i can no longer be unequally yoked like this...i can no longer fellowship here...
i am requesting that my account here be deleted...