I made sure future-hubby knew what he was getting. I didn't clean the house before he came over. He got to see me at my very best, as-in, our second through fourth dates were him bringing me ginger ale, boxes of tissues (requested), and chicken soup (not requested), and then we spent the night watching Walking Tall movies while I honked, sniffed, and hacked up a few lungs.
He told me what he wanted out of me. Clean the cat litter box more often, and the longer-hair cat had to go, or he was going. (He watched for the next 15 minutes while I silently thought that choice too.)
I got who I wanted, not who I could change into what I wanted. I really liked him for who he was, so much so that he invited me into the bathroom the day he took off his beard so I would be sure he didn't change. Just his face changed.
We accept miscommunications as part of this life and work on that. How could I know he hated the Jersey Shore as much as I did? Of course, he'd think I like the Jersey Shore. Jersey girls are supposed to be like that. Good thing we told each other that after our first vacation together. (Good thing he was willing to go to my favorite place to vacation. Canada. Great fishing, and he likes to fish more than I do. I wanted children because he lost his son to his divorce and I thought he wanted his legacy to continue as much as I did. He thought I wanted children because most young women want babies. Poor guy, got a vasectomy reversal to accommodate my desires. I admit it. We both cried when we thought I was pregnant for three days only to find out it was a false alarm. (Early pregnancy tests back then weren't as advanced.) It was okay because we were really doing it for the other person. We're still working on that communications thingy, but we've advanced. I give him things I think he'd love, and after he doesn't use them for months (or years lol), I'm the one to who then asks him if I can dump it. (He gives this embarrassed smile. It's so cute.)
We both have a sense of humor. And we really laugh over most things. One day, when we were still dating, he called and asked if I could come to his place that night, because he got a concussion at work. That night, he showed me how the heater hit his head. Smacked it hard with the palm of his hand and I could almost see the stars spinning around his head. Took me two minutes to stop laughing while I'm asking him if he's alright. lol He cracked up laughing with the ER doctor when he broke his back and the doctor dubbed him Quasimoto. The name stuck until he got his back brace. When I got seriously depressed after waking up in agonizing pain and no one was willing to fix it -- all they wanted to do was give me more and more tests -- a friend sent me my teddy bear in a C.A.R.E. package. I took to sleeping with him. And I'd wake up first after our naps, go to the bathroom, and when I returned, the bear, (who has a very serious face), was standing on his head. Cracked me up, so it happened often. This last time in the hospital his first PT came into his room to help him sit up again. Hubby couldn't do it yet, nor could he talk, since he still had the vent. But his sign language is impeccable. He pointed with two fingers to his eyes and then pointed to the PT. I didn't get it. The PT got hysterical. Hubby told him, "You do it. I'll watch."
We did change. Circumstances changed us, but we laugh easier. Life kept getting harder, but we kept getting to see God work stuff out that just couldn't be worked out. Kind of like going on a wild ride of wonder with your best buddy.
So, who can give it up, when it always comes back to...