That's very much what this is about.
On good days, I think I'm tolerable to look at. BUT God thinks I'm beautiful. To think anything less is the lie. And, I'm going to spend the rest of my days trying to believe that despite knowing I AM the liar.
One of my brothers thinks I'm flakey. I can be, but I know I'm not.
One of my brothers has no idea how to take me. He may or may never figure that out. He loves me and I love him. If he never figures me out, that's a good thing, because I can't either.
One of my brothers thinks I always know what I'm doing. I hope he finally gets I don't always. I'm not even sure if usually.
My sister and youngest brother consider me the grownup out to teach them. Someday they'll get I was already away from home and married when they were born, so, no. I'm just another sibling and they are grown enough to make their own way without needing me to teach them (anything but God.)
I do see easily how others believe their own lies about me. It's not that they are lying evil things. They just believe stuff about me that is hard to get over thinking and it's nice they all love me, so I'm not worried if they get it right or wrong.
But, the hardest person to convince of a lie is ourselves. Especially since that lie we've accepted is about ourselves.
So, that's what this is. We all lie on who we are. We all hide horrendous secrets, that aren't all that horrendous to God... or are, but he settled it by dying on the cross because he loves us. To understand that is a first step. To believe it is sanctification. He keeps pushing who he is into us, until we trust him enough to take him at his word and agree.
To believe I'm beautiful is a small step, but I also know one I cannot take on my own. To put my face on this site is to tell people, I may not believe it yet, but I trust God is telling the truth. He has made me beautiful.