For Sonflower: artistoffurniture
For Seoulsearch: Whatthehooha, 500wordsormore
For Abigail: Singinginsingapore
For Fenner: Rockymountainhigh (inside joke
For Voilakat: Stringsorwhiskers
For Catherder: Glasswhisperer
For Rachel20: BeautyandtheEast, Matthew25v35
For TemporaryCircumstances: Winninglifesbattles, John16v33
For Demi777: Thesmilethatconquersall
For Lynx: Coolerthanuraveragecat
For Ultimate77: Theworldisnotenough (because you think about the world economy and stuff, and because its a James Bond movie
Sorry if I missed anyone, and I know I did but I ran out of time.