lol,ok notice how many times you said "Rome",then how many times you refer back to Daniel trying to resolve Revelation.
The time lines of Dan. and Rev must agree.
Then consider this your saying the Rev. was written in ad96, in it there is a warning about a beast that brings about a mark/image ect. and that it is a warning to so that none will be caught up in the mark/image thing.
The time of the 4th beast began when Rome invaded Israel.
The Sea Beast (civil Rome) and the Earth Beast (religious Rome/Caesar worship) in Israel began then.
It was already in force for almost 100 yrs by Jesus's time.
The Rev is written to the 7 churches of Asia, "gentile" congregations..
So we can assume that the warning about the 4th beast included them, which it did.
As gentiles the warning was probably something they were already aware of,
But as gentiles, they might not have understood the way the Jewish Christians did, having studied the scriptures.
It could also be understood that this prophecy about the Beast, (4th beast,Rome)
Has been applicable to every Christian since then.
Now consider this, If the four beast of Daniel are from a point in time in Daniels life and they cover 470 years from A to B and you think point B is ad70 and you think ad96 is when the rev. was given do you notice you think that the warning about the beast,mark ect. are 26 years "too late"?
I'll say it again if it is so what you are saying the book/Rev./warning was given 26 years too late and so God poured out his wrath on Jerusalem before he warned them about the mark,beast stuff?
I don't see the Rev as a warning about the destruction of Jerusalem.
Not everything in the Bible was fulfilled by 70 ad, I don't believe that, there are some that do.
In Daniel,when it talks about the beast did you notice there is "no woman" riding their back? Did you notice in Daniel there is no warning about an image of the beast name,mark,666 ?
The chapter of Dan 2 was written in Babylon at the time of the head of gold,
There were things ahead for them that we see in hindsight now.
They didn't know who the future beast/nations were.
As time went by, things were revealed.
The gentile nations of the statue rule over Israel until they are restored to Jerusalem, 1967.
The 4th the gentile nation was revealed to be Rome and Caesar as the head at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad.
Rev is a description of the rule of the gentile nation Rome, 4th beast, over the natural branches, until the restoration of Israel to Jerusalem, and the beginning of eternity.
The destruction of Jerusalem is indicated (6th seal), but that is not the center of the message.
You might want to compare the 3 1/2 times that the 4th beast of Dan 7:25, and Rev 13:5.
but anyway why bother with the Revelation at all if it is all fulfilled before ad70 who would need to know when to flee or guard yourself from 26 years after the fact.
I don't think I said that, did I?
I don't believe that all of Rev was fulfilled by 70 ad.