Hi have apsolutly nothing against most video games in general. I collect every single type of video game from mature rating to everyone rating. I personally believe that as long as a video game has no effect on you towards you relationship with God, and your mature enough not to do violent and criminal things in real life there OK to have.
First and foremost, lets talk about children safe video games. That are vary fun, at least for myself. first I recommend most sports video games. A lot of people don't like sports games but I apsolutly love them. and i highly recommend any kind of sports game excluding hunting for kids and teens of all ages. Puzzle games are good but I don't play them as often. Bible games sound like fun, but I never tried any. I don't like trivia or casino games I think their boring for most people. Simulation games like the sims are fun and contain apsolutly no blood. In fact a lot of older video games like Atari or Nintendo Entertainment System or Super Nintendo/Famicom or Nintendo 64 or PlayStation 1 games are great for bible friendly opinions because a lot of those contain no criminal or violence scenes
A personal opinion about kids playing video game in general. If they are children who misbehave or disobey their parents in any way because of video games they should not play those kind of video games. Lets use the Grand Theft Auto series for example. I don't see what the hype is about that game I played some of it, and don't like it and It does teach people how to do crime around their cities. in which I find is one game I'd like to call an anti Christian video game
Now the guitar hero series I don't see what is wrong with that video game, but I know some Christians are against that game due to it having all types of Rock music I however am not that kind of believer.
I know there as some verses I read in the bible that revolt against violence and that good in all but I did some research and found some other verses like if you google What deps the bible say about video games and it actually is thought to approves on some verses saying that they are meant to be enjoyed however violence is not included as acceptable
Everyone is entitled to their own opinon I hope to hear others thought on what I just posted and God Bless you and have a great night or day.
First and foremost, lets talk about children safe video games. That are vary fun, at least for myself. first I recommend most sports video games. A lot of people don't like sports games but I apsolutly love them. and i highly recommend any kind of sports game excluding hunting for kids and teens of all ages. Puzzle games are good but I don't play them as often. Bible games sound like fun, but I never tried any. I don't like trivia or casino games I think their boring for most people. Simulation games like the sims are fun and contain apsolutly no blood. In fact a lot of older video games like Atari or Nintendo Entertainment System or Super Nintendo/Famicom or Nintendo 64 or PlayStation 1 games are great for bible friendly opinions because a lot of those contain no criminal or violence scenes
A personal opinion about kids playing video game in general. If they are children who misbehave or disobey their parents in any way because of video games they should not play those kind of video games. Lets use the Grand Theft Auto series for example. I don't see what the hype is about that game I played some of it, and don't like it and It does teach people how to do crime around their cities. in which I find is one game I'd like to call an anti Christian video game
Now the guitar hero series I don't see what is wrong with that video game, but I know some Christians are against that game due to it having all types of Rock music I however am not that kind of believer.
I know there as some verses I read in the bible that revolt against violence and that good in all but I did some research and found some other verses like if you google What deps the bible say about video games and it actually is thought to approves on some verses saying that they are meant to be enjoyed however violence is not included as acceptable
Everyone is entitled to their own opinon I hope to hear others thought on what I just posted and God Bless you and have a great night or day.