This video is for all you 3rd world criminals who are flooding into
Europe illegally by pretending to be refugees.
You can watch it on the smartphones that you all seem to have with you.
It's just to let you know that everybody knows you're mostly able bodied
fighting age men, thousands of whom are pretending to be children because
you don't have a shred of honour, dignity, or shame between you.
We know that you are not in fact refugees at all, but illegal invaders, opportunists,
and predators, and that your disgusting behaviour is making things much worse for
genuine refugees who are not nearly as welcome here any more thanks to you.
We also know that the American people dodged a bullet recently when they had the good
sense to elect a president who will keep you and barbarians like you out of their country.
We are afraid to breathe too hard in case it makes us racist.
We are so self consciously decadently progressive that we
have chosen to pretend that all cultures are equal, even backwards
uncivilized ones like yours that don't even deserve to share the same planet.
We're ashamed of our culture because it's so embarrassingly superior and we
think it needs taken down a peg or two for the sake of equality, and we are
hoping that you primitive throw backs will help us to do that by bringing with
you the ugliest aspects of your ugly culture to drag us all down to your level.
But it's not as if we haven't been there before about a thousand years ago.
If you sexually assault or rape a woman, again, as we know you are going to,
our progressive politicians will try their best to make it her fault, as the female
mayor of Cologne tried to do after the notorious new year's eve massive assault.
If you rape a female no borders activist, her colleagues will pressure her to keep it
quiet in case it gives people the wrong idea about violent third world savages like you.
And if you find yourself in Austria raping a ten year old boy in a swimming pool,
relax, your conviction will be overturned on appeal because the judges believe that
you might not have known that a ten year old boy didn't want to be raped.
Yes, our judges in Europe are very progressive.
* * * The police and media too will conspire to keep your depravity hidden
from the general population until it hits them squarely in the face, as it does
now frequently, in wide open Sweden, the rape capital of Europe, thanks to you.
That's most of the first three minutes. What a needed
indictment against "progressive liberalism."