Not in to prosperity preaching. personally prefer the pure word of God. I Don't recall sin, punishment of sin, hell, repentance was ever preached there. I tend to stay far away from pastors who tickle peoples ears.
There's a thin red line here.
I do hear some preachers say that if they give to the ministry, if they sow seeds, God will have a check in the mail and they'll get what they want, etc.
This is not what I hear Osteen saying. I believe what he's saying is that God wants the best for us and that we should try to have the best that we can. I don't think he means in money - although that might be a part of it.
I hear him saying how to have a good family life - he was talking this Sunday about how his wife Always laughs and smiles and is happy in the Lord. Maybe he'll say to do our best on the job.
Jesus did say I have come to give you Life and a life more abundant.
John 10:10b
I believe God's wish for His children is that they have a rich life and as free from worry as possible.
Didn't Jesus tell us not to worry because it would not add one day to our life?
Mathew 6:34
Jesus also said to pick up our cross every day if we wish to follow Him.
While we have suffering, we can also have joy.
If we think of our daily life, our joys outweigh our crosses.
Mathew 16:24