... you are living a lower standard of spiritual sensitivity then you should be.
Your lack of knowledge and discipline is robbing you of a portion of the Holy Spirits guidance and people around you of your service to them and God. That is a sin.
All things being equal, it is a major portion of the reason, not often spoke of, but true, why the church in America is in the state it is in.
Christians are putting so much toxic garbage into their bodies that they are literally disorienting themselves not only physically and mentally, but spiritually too.
Christians that should be seeing certain spiritual elements in color are seeing them instead only in fussy black and white.
If anyone doubts this then your spiritual receptors are duller then you even realize.
Any Christian with a basic knowledge of the bible and God should understand this.
If food and other earthly pleasures are more important to some Christians then their relationship to God, well then maybe they need a reset.
As a well known Christian biologist said, we are spiritually and vibrationally induced, electro-magnetically and chemically empowered, and biologically executed.
Those are Gods laws, and a testament of the miraculous gift he gave us that our bodies are. They are indisputable.
We may not have control over certain environmental issues, or our DNA heritage, but we certainly have over our lifestyles.
It is partly a reason why the American church at large is sometimes indistinguishable from the world.
Your lack of knowledge and discipline is robbing you of a portion of the Holy Spirits guidance and people around you of your service to them and God. That is a sin.
All things being equal, it is a major portion of the reason, not often spoke of, but true, why the church in America is in the state it is in.
Christians are putting so much toxic garbage into their bodies that they are literally disorienting themselves not only physically and mentally, but spiritually too.
Christians that should be seeing certain spiritual elements in color are seeing them instead only in fussy black and white.
If anyone doubts this then your spiritual receptors are duller then you even realize.
Any Christian with a basic knowledge of the bible and God should understand this.
If food and other earthly pleasures are more important to some Christians then their relationship to God, well then maybe they need a reset.
As a well known Christian biologist said, we are spiritually and vibrationally induced, electro-magnetically and chemically empowered, and biologically executed.
Those are Gods laws, and a testament of the miraculous gift he gave us that our bodies are. They are indisputable.
We may not have control over certain environmental issues, or our DNA heritage, but we certainly have over our lifestyles.
It is partly a reason why the American church at large is sometimes indistinguishable from the world.