Hi josephsdreams
I hesitate answering you because I truly believe we each have a personal relationship with Jesus and so, while we share many same beliefs, some are just for us on a personal level.
If you tend to believe that thinking about punching your brother is a sin, how can I go against what God's
Spirit has told you?
I can only tell you what I've learned from experienced Christians that have done a lot of counselling to troubled persons. I'm not saying that you're one...Just to say that this is not my opinion but what I've been taught. I do agree with it however.
How could just thinking about something be a sin?
We think all the time. We have difficulty controlling our thoughts because we're fragile humans.
So what did Jesus mean in Mathew 5?
If one Lusts after a woman, he has already committed adultery. So one is not allowed to Think of a woman?
No. A thought is not sinful it's normal. Dwelling on a thought and building upon it could lead to sin.
Thou shalt not covet. Are you thinking of coveting? And what if you are coveting? At what point is it sin?
I trust Jesus to save me. He knows my heart. Is it living in darkness? God knows our heart. If we're sincere and living in the Light, I would not worry. How could we experience the joy of knowing God if we even worry about our thoughts?
We should do our best and rest in the Lord.
HE is our Sabbath rest.
Anyway, I'd rather you thought of punching me than really punching me!
We're on a road...
I hesitate answering you because I truly believe we each have a personal relationship with Jesus and so, while we share many same beliefs, some are just for us on a personal level.
If you tend to believe that thinking about punching your brother is a sin, how can I go against what God's
Spirit has told you?
I can only tell you what I've learned from experienced Christians that have done a lot of counselling to troubled persons. I'm not saying that you're one...Just to say that this is not my opinion but what I've been taught. I do agree with it however.
How could just thinking about something be a sin?
We think all the time. We have difficulty controlling our thoughts because we're fragile humans.
So what did Jesus mean in Mathew 5?
If one Lusts after a woman, he has already committed adultery. So one is not allowed to Think of a woman?
No. A thought is not sinful it's normal. Dwelling on a thought and building upon it could lead to sin.
Thou shalt not covet. Are you thinking of coveting? And what if you are coveting? At what point is it sin?
I trust Jesus to save me. He knows my heart. Is it living in darkness? God knows our heart. If we're sincere and living in the Light, I would not worry. How could we experience the joy of knowing God if we even worry about our thoughts?
We should do our best and rest in the Lord.
HE is our Sabbath rest.
Anyway, I'd rather you thought of punching me than really punching me!
We're on a road...
Everybody does not think covetous thoughts and lustful thoughts about other mens wives all the time. Everybody does not think of doing wrong things all the time. You ask what point is it a sin? Its a sin when you do it. Its not normal to lust and covet and you should not be telling yourself its ok. You say if we are living in the light I need not to worry but this behavior is not living in the light its living in darkness and sin.