Freedom of speech is one thing, insulting people is a completely different thing and should be punished.
No - insulting people is not a completely different thing. And, no punishment should ever be given because of words-only; there must additionally always be provable-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt intent and / or action...
For those of you who do not understand Freedom of Speech - especially from a letter-of-the-law versus a spirit-of-the-law comparitive perspective - let me explain...
It is your "perfect right" to yell "Fire!" in a theater; however, you are also responsible for the direct results of your actions. Therefore, there may be consequences for what you have done ( caused to bring about ); however, there should NEVER be [ direct ] consequences for what you have said.
Words versus
Punishment for 'words' is a letter-of-the-law concept.
Punishment for 'actions' is a spirit-of-the-law concept.
Unlike the letter-of-the-law position, spirit-of-the-law includes the idea of 'intent'.
And, 'intent' involves 'action' -- i.e. - your intent to perform an action - to
do something.
Freedom of Speech is about protecting you from being punished based on what you
However, no matter what you say - you are still responsible for the results of your
If you insult someone ( "words-only" ), but no "real harm" has been done -- no law-based punishment should be inflicted.
If you say something -- and, it somehow brings irreparable damage to someone --
now it involves 'action' ( in this 'legal' context ).
The moment you allow the letter-of-the-law to punish 'words', "everybody is up-the-creek-without-a-paddle"...
Placing a 'legal' consequence on someone [ merely ] "speaking" is the epitome of irresponsible in the context of society.
And threatening kids (no matter what they are, white, black, christian, muslim etc.) with a shotgun is disgusting and should be considered terrorism and punished with life in prison.
Is it wong? Yes.
Should there be consequences? Certainly.
Should it be labeled as 'terrorism'?
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Absolutely not!
You don't realize what you are saying...