Before I got too old to deal with it, I taught weekly classes to ex-offenders concerning the understanding of, and the use of, REBT in our daily lives. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is akin to CT, Cognitive Therapy, in that both deal with learning to reduce excessive emotional reactions to events that occur in our lives.
In simple terms, all this means is that if we recognize all the elements in a particular happening, (or as many as we can, with the information available to us) we can far more easily respond in a manner that is less reactively emotional, than if we go off half-cocked..... reflecting only what is necessarily a reflexive, knee-jerk response to the immediate stimulus.
Suppose, prior to that traffic accident, you had been driving down the road in a car that hadn't yet been wrecked. (I'm taking us back to a happier time, transportation wise. LOL) Someone swerves in front of you, cutting you off and nearly hitting you. "No!" you might say, "That wasn't just 'Someone', it was a careless, thoughtless Jackass who had no concern for anyone else on the road!"
You would be mad, right? Fuming! And justifiably so....... or so you rationalize. (If we can say that our thinking is always rational.) But, a few blocks on down the road, you see the same car smashed into a light pole. Both rationalization and justification, together, kick in this time. "Aha! I knew it! That fool got what he deserves."
Your anger actually gets over-ridden with your smugness. You stop your vehicle... more to gloat and possibly give him a piece of your mind than because of any desire to help.
Until it dawns on you. You hear one of the first-responders state that he must have been having a heart attack, one that probably began several minutes earlier. (about the time he would have passed you)
Are you seeing the point I am making? Your initial assessment was all wrong. Had you have been armed and prone to Road Rage, you just might have fired off a couple of rounds at that inconsiderate, selfish idiot.................. Two minutes ago.
I don't want to hog the thread, so may I simply suggest that you do a bit of research, and Google "REBT" for yourself. You just might discover the first step in learning how to use a tool that can help you reduce a lot of stress in your life. (There's far more to it than I can go into here.)