Israel had to continually perform sacrifices because people were growing in
righteousness and faith, and for every stumble or issue, a sacrifice was needed.
God did not say, know me and you are perfect, no issues, he said, learn of me,
learn to walk, and whenever you are in trouble and get it wrong I am there to
forgive, correct and put you back on track. A baby cannot run, or talk or write
so why should we be able when we first come to Christ. We need to grow up
in the Lord.
righteousness and faith, and for every stumble or issue, a sacrifice was needed.
God did not say, know me and you are perfect, no issues, he said, learn of me,
learn to walk, and whenever you are in trouble and get it wrong I am there to
forgive, correct and put you back on track. A baby cannot run, or talk or write
so why should we be able when we first come to Christ. We need to grow up
in the Lord.