Hello Everyone!
I'm just gonna get right into it. I am a christian, my husband IMO isn't. I got married at 18, my husband was 23. When my husband and I dated I began straying away from God & did so for several years. My husband smoked weed heavily, & at first I did too. But as the years passed I repented and, although defiantly not perfect, my relationship with Christ has grown stronger the more I seek him. My problem is that my husband & I have been struggling since the birth of my daughter 7 years ago. He continued to smoke weed on a daily basis. He grew up around it. He started doing it as an early teen. Honestly, I did not even think when we got married that this would be something that a responsible adult with children would continue to do. I never asked him to abruptly stop at first. I simply put my foot down & said not in this house. Then we had our daughter, & I asked him to stop. Long story short throughout the 7 years I have found it many times,usually hidden in his truck. He has lost jobs,maybe not for weed, but he would have to wait until he was clean to go try to get another job. Over and over again its the same thing. I find it, he promises to stop. Now he just lies to me. Lies about doing it, Lies about where he is. He will say I am going to do "A" which should take about an hour & will come home 3 hours later, & he has been at his buddies house doing it. LIES all the time to me about it. We have had another child, he is 4 months old. Last month, my husband was cleaning out my daughters club house, said he was going to ride down the road to take some stuff off. Came home 2 hours later & was high. He had went by his friends house. The week after that my 4 month old got put in hospital for strep. I could see that my husband had messaged one of his dope head friends while I was staying in the hospital with my son. I found a pipe in his backpack that was in my car after he had taken my daughter to school. After getting home from the hospital I confronted him about it, & told him this was it. If he didn't stop he would have to leave. I made him take a drug test, which he passed & was very happy about, b/c he thinks I should get over it since he doesn't do it every day. The weekend after that (easter weekend) we were planning on going to my families out of state. He was off Friday, I come home to nothing been done all day while I was at work & I had to pack for me, & my 2 kids. I wasn't happy, & we got into a huge fight. He ended up not going with us, & while I was gone he & his mother talked so bad about me. How I dont appreciate him & I am unthankful! He also hung out with his dope head friend & got high i am sure b/c thats what they do. I know all this because ( I know this is going to sound CRA CRA) I installed spyware on his phone. I know, I hate it, but when you have been lied to like I have you will do anything to find the truth!! Please dont judge that! Oh, and while I was pregnant there was porn use. I was terribly hurt, and angry. He said he would stop, & I just found where he was looking at some more last week. I have asked him to go to counciling with me and he doesn't want to do that. He just wants me to give him another chance & "trust him"! HA! my struggle is that I dont want to divorce on unbiblical grounds. I asked him to leave and he wont. I cant leave, my family lives out of state and I have a job that I have been at for 10 years & daughter is in school. Please I am open to any advice. I am just so tired, I am numb inside, I can't even hurt anymore.....
I'm just gonna get right into it. I am a christian, my husband IMO isn't. I got married at 18, my husband was 23. When my husband and I dated I began straying away from God & did so for several years. My husband smoked weed heavily, & at first I did too. But as the years passed I repented and, although defiantly not perfect, my relationship with Christ has grown stronger the more I seek him. My problem is that my husband & I have been struggling since the birth of my daughter 7 years ago. He continued to smoke weed on a daily basis. He grew up around it. He started doing it as an early teen. Honestly, I did not even think when we got married that this would be something that a responsible adult with children would continue to do. I never asked him to abruptly stop at first. I simply put my foot down & said not in this house. Then we had our daughter, & I asked him to stop. Long story short throughout the 7 years I have found it many times,usually hidden in his truck. He has lost jobs,maybe not for weed, but he would have to wait until he was clean to go try to get another job. Over and over again its the same thing. I find it, he promises to stop. Now he just lies to me. Lies about doing it, Lies about where he is. He will say I am going to do "A" which should take about an hour & will come home 3 hours later, & he has been at his buddies house doing it. LIES all the time to me about it. We have had another child, he is 4 months old. Last month, my husband was cleaning out my daughters club house, said he was going to ride down the road to take some stuff off. Came home 2 hours later & was high. He had went by his friends house. The week after that my 4 month old got put in hospital for strep. I could see that my husband had messaged one of his dope head friends while I was staying in the hospital with my son. I found a pipe in his backpack that was in my car after he had taken my daughter to school. After getting home from the hospital I confronted him about it, & told him this was it. If he didn't stop he would have to leave. I made him take a drug test, which he passed & was very happy about, b/c he thinks I should get over it since he doesn't do it every day. The weekend after that (easter weekend) we were planning on going to my families out of state. He was off Friday, I come home to nothing been done all day while I was at work & I had to pack for me, & my 2 kids. I wasn't happy, & we got into a huge fight. He ended up not going with us, & while I was gone he & his mother talked so bad about me. How I dont appreciate him & I am unthankful! He also hung out with his dope head friend & got high i am sure b/c thats what they do. I know all this because ( I know this is going to sound CRA CRA) I installed spyware on his phone. I know, I hate it, but when you have been lied to like I have you will do anything to find the truth!! Please dont judge that! Oh, and while I was pregnant there was porn use. I was terribly hurt, and angry. He said he would stop, & I just found where he was looking at some more last week. I have asked him to go to counciling with me and he doesn't want to do that. He just wants me to give him another chance & "trust him"! HA! my struggle is that I dont want to divorce on unbiblical grounds. I asked him to leave and he wont. I cant leave, my family lives out of state and I have a job that I have been at for 10 years & daughter is in school. Please I am open to any advice. I am just so tired, I am numb inside, I can't even hurt anymore.....