You support Joel osteen, can you show where he actually preaches Jesus crucified as the only way to heaven?
Just because he has a mass following doesnt mean he is saving them.
Muslims get mass followings.
Do you believe they are being saved?
Do you believe in the prosperity gospel?
Just because he has a mass following doesnt mean he is saving them.
Muslims get mass followings.
Do you believe they are being saved?
Do you believe in the prosperity gospel?
I have listened to J.O. and he gives the Gospel of Jesus Christ out most certainly. And many unsaved people have come to Christ through J.O. ministry. Those are facts and if more people would agree., it would prevent them from freely condemning Joel and saying he is of the devil.
No man is perfect on earth and no man has perfect theology and that includes all of us here. We should all be working at ministering the Gospel instead of trying to pull the splinter out of J.O. eye.