Kenneth Hagin and the prosperity gospel

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Feb 24, 2015
...and churches have statements of faith, but when the church actually teaches, it many times proves it doesn't adhere to the SoF.

It is not in what a person claims, it is in what they actually teach. "OK, I heard what you stated, but what you actually teach screams much louder".

His teachings betray his SoF, and that is a fact. The word twisting, redefining, and support of prosperity gospel heresy is enough. There is no such thing as only partially believing in a heresy and being OK. The prosperity gospel saves exactly no one, and that includes the heresy of Osteen that he supports.
Are you saying all prosperity gospel followers are not saved?

It is ironic if this is your position, because I know many believers in prosperity type churches
who know the Lord but are miss-guided.


...and churches have statements of faith, but when the church actually teaches, it many times proves it doesn't adhere to the SoF.

It is not in what a person claims, it is in what they actually teach. "OK, I heard what you stated, but what you actually teach screams much louder".

His teachings betray his SoF, and that is a fact. The word twisting, redefining, and support of prosperity gospel heresy is enough. There is no such thing as only partially believing in a heresy and being OK. The prosperity gospel saves exactly no one, and that includes the heresy of Osteen that he supports.
Do you believe the concept of Biblical prosperity?

I do.

However I know it's not about material wealth but spiritual wealth.

God says where your treasure is, so is your heart.

My heart is with God, so what does God treasure? What are my treasures?

I treasure the love of my family and friends.

I treasure being able to read and talk about the Bible and pray with my siblings in Christ.

...the beauty in the world around us that God created.

....heartfelt prayers to God, and when he gives us what we need..not what we ask for

...Jesus sacrifice on the cross so I can become a child of God.

I dont treasure money or power.

I admit I do treasure good health because I see it as a blessing from God.

However I also treasure poor health because it keeps me humble and seeking Him.

I treasure the sense of contentment and love I receive when I pray and worship.

I could be made homeless tomorrow, with nothing but the clothes on my back. However I would still think myself rich for I have the Lord as my Rock, my shelter and Savior.

What kind of things do others treasure?
Nov 22, 2015
Again I will address post #379 concerning the continuing malice and slander being given out in the hope it can be a blessing to others and we all can learn from it....:)..

This is what I have said a few times.


Personally I do not listen to Joel Osteen that often but I do know where his messages of encouraging people to trust in the goodness and love of God for them has encouraged others to stop listening to the lies of the enemy and to start having hope in God again.

Some people have been beat up in life for so long that they need encouragement to get back up and start having hope again.

From there - they need to be fed the proper nutrients of growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

If we "delight in the Lord" - He will give us His desires in our heart and that dream that He has put in there needs to be pursued. That is the other side of Joel's message of hope in this world that needs to be said.

We don't pursue worldly desires originating from our own flesh - we have His desires birthed in us. All of us need both encouragements and truths to be born in us at different times in our life.

I wanted to clarify the above in brown...

All of us both need to be encouraged when we are beaten down by life and the lies of the enemy to trust in God again - that He will be faithful to us in this life as well as in the one to come. This is the hope that some people preach to others. That is one side of the coin.

The other side that we need "after we get this hope in God back"

- is that it is not our own worldly desires that is to be pursued but the dreams of hope that He has birthed in our hearts. There is a vast difference between the two IMO.

I believe we all need both at different times in our life.

I also do not agree with everything any minister or denomination says about every subject. I also believe there are ways to say things better so that things do not get taken out of context or used by the enemy to mis-represent what is really being said.

I am hoping that in 5 years I wouldn't agree with everything I think I know now as the Lord reveals more of His love and grace and true nature to me. I love and believe in "hyper-repenting".

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I treasure that God has taught me it's not about me, but Him.

If we focus on God, we see the world in a different light

However if we focus on self and making sure everyone knows how right we are, we hide our light under the bushel of our own self confidence and self righteousness.
Aug 15, 2009
Are you saying all prosperity gospel followers are not saved?

It is ironic if this is your position, because I know many believers in prosperity type churches
who know the Lord but are miss-guided.
I get what you're saying.

But..... how long will God allow them to simply be misguided? There must be a time appointed for each individual to repent & change.

This is why I believe the falling away is speeding up..... time's up for many of them.

That's why we need to have our house in order, so to speak..... & be listening to God.
Feb 24, 2015
A false teacher is someone who claims to be teaching from God but is wrong.
Is that person deceived or willifully telling lies?
I don't know how we can make that distinction. Its one that God has to do because He can fix either problem.
I regard the term false teacher as a serious accusation.
This is not just some minor missing of a concept, but a whole spiritual tree
that is not of the Lord. Unless this teacher repents and comes to faith in Christ
they are lost. It is wise to not use the term loosely. Many teachers put the emphasis
in a way one may disagree but they are still in the Kingdom.

To utter phrases as "little gods" for me makes all such preachers false teachers I would
never have anything to do with them after such preaching.

The problem is here on cc some are using the terms of false teachers over core biblical
principles, which is so wrong and divisive, but then that is their desire.
For instance teaching OSAS or not is not a false teacher division. Saying people do not
know the Lord if they do not have security of salvation, is false teaching, divisive, and
desiring to make people feel bad and evil. Some have said to not have security and to
teach faith and walking in the Spirit is the way, is leading people to hell.

I do not want to classify people as not knowing Christ, but this is not Jesus's way or
position. His position was against presumption of being Gods chosen, but obeying and walking
in Gods will.
Aug 15, 2009
In judging righteous judgment, there's more than "core teachings" to consider.

For example, falsely teaching several minor doctrines proves a false teacher/prophet as well.

If you're following the Spirit, there's only so many "mistakes" you can make until it's no longer "mistakes".

Ignorance isn't winked at any longer. Lacking & slacking both will be judged, when opportunities weren't taken & doors for learning were open wide.


Can't have it both ways Peter.

You can't say "it's okay for me to label those I don't agree with as false teachers, but when folks don't agree with me, they shouldn't label me the same."

People don't agree what the core principals and doctrines are, how one is saved, when one is saved, etc.

So a false teacher is ANYONE teaching FALSE DOCTRINE.

False doctrine is ANY misrepresentation of God's truth.

Under that standard everyone is a false teacher except Jesus because no one has perfect doctrine.

Can we now move past ourselves and our pride and examine the doctrines taught to discern if they are from God or from the world?


I get what you're saying.

But..... how long will God allow them to simply be misguided? There must be a time appointed for each individual to repent & change.

This is why I believe the falling away is speeding up..... time's up for many of them.

That's why we need to have our house in order, so to speak..... & be listening to God.
Amen definitely need to be listening to God.

Be less concerned with "their time running out" and take more time examining if our beliefs are truly from God or from our self righteous pride?
Aug 15, 2009
2Tim 3:1But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. 6For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, 7always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith. 9But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all, just as Jannes’s and Jambres’s folly was also.
Nov 22, 2015
2 Tim. 3:2-3 - "malicious gossips" and "revilers which are slanderers"

Revilers - Insulting, abusive, slanderous speech is more to the point.

Complete Biblical Library Greek-English Dictionary, The - The Complete Biblical Library Greek-English Dictionary – Alpha-Gamma.

Are malicious gossipers and slanders with insulting and abusive speech a sign of the last days belief system?....really? Do we have any evidence of this being true? Are some doing this to others in the body of Christ? Are some biting and devouring each other?...selah...

Galatians 5:15-16 (NASB)
[SUP]15 [/SUP] But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another.

[SUP]16 [/SUP] But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.

Let's endeavor to learn how to walk by the Spirit so that others can see Christ in us. We are living epistles to a hurt and dying world that needs to see the true nature of the love and grace of our loving Father and Lord to them.
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you think words do not have consequences?

yet Jesus said we will give an account of our words. that kinda unsettles me because I really do not have any excuses for my abuse of the English language at the expense of others.

you use harsh and ugly ways of communication and most people do have you on ignore by now or just do not even respond and you seem to get uglier and more abusive, not giving a hoot how much you may hurt others, insult others and destroy threads

you have created an atmosphere in this forum wherever you go with your words

no. Jesus did not do that and neither did any other godly human being who respects the fact that God is the final judge

if you changed the way you act, people would be friendlier and probably even be more willing to listen to what you have to say

as it is, most people consider you a big mouth bully with no class and you can quote me

the above is a very simplified version of how our words (which stem from our thoughts and attitudes) work to create reality in our life

I expect no reasonable response from you as you have proven you get your jollies from acting like someone who never met Christ and yet wants to tell everyone else all about

if fruit in the life of a Christian means anything to you at all, you need to allow God to prune your branches because whatever it is you are growing, it is not Christ in you

I don't consider you worth speaking to at this point, but for the sake of personal responsibility I'm making this post

you are as sounding gongs and clanging symbols and simply a rude distraction as you contribute nothing that anyone can learn from other than to avoid you

I don't care about your response as you do not seem able to discuss anything without going ape
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Dec 3, 2016
Image of hagin removed out of respect
Yeah, we all know "thou shalt not have any graven images of hagin"

Joel osteen is a false teacher that does not adhere to sound doctrine found in God's Word... I wouldn't let the boy in my house and if someone gave me one of his books I'd burn it just like a book on witchcraft because his books are no different.

Romans 16:17,18
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple

1 Timothy 6:3-5
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

1 Timothy 4:1,2
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

2 Timothy 4:3,4
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 John 1:10
If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

Matthew 24:3-8
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ (I am anointed); and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Titus 1:7-11
For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not self willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

I don't care about your response as you do not seem able to discuss anything without going ape

May as well offer him a banana



where do people find the time to actually become more Christlike when they are so busy calling everyone else names and insulting and berating people who in all likelihood, have hearts after God

I am far more concerned that my own heart is right with God then getting on here and creating an atmosphere that is devilish and evil

do you people do that in church as well? do you interrupt the pastor/elder or whoever every time you have what you think is enlightenment that they have said something that you qualify as false?

you think you are strong in the Lord, but you are actually unyielding and hard hearted. You think you are doing God a favor, but if we want to actually see God and not YOUR version of Him, we look to Jesus.

you sow seeds of discord and use, yes USE, God's name to create fear and doubt

you receive nothing but expect everyone else to receive from you

prideful, arrogant and just obnoxious best describes how you behave

your judgments are false, not righteous and you do not have the love it would take to reach anyone which is why you find yourselves isolated and angry



The posts on c.c are just the tip of a person's life.

I entreat that all speak with more love.

If I saw someone alone and isolated. I would prayerfully approach them and listen.

If they were violent I would restrain them until they are calm and not agitated them but by showing them the same love God has shown me, restore peace and a sound mind.

I would not abandon them or call them names or yell at them, because God never treated me that way.

People have, to the point of even tears and heartbreak, but God's hand has always been gentle and loving.

He has always wiped away my tears and told me he loves me.
Dec 2, 2016
Paul Crouch would vehemently defend WOF people and some others. I think that Crouch was a decent sort of guy who took what others said as attacks against good Christian people. I liked Paul Crouch, but he was wrong in that he allowed himself to believe what he wanted to be true rather then to diligently study the word of God and honestly compare some of what WOF taught with the word of God. My point is that, when false things are taught as if such things are true, then Christians should take an open stand against those things even if it causes strife. Jesus could have avoided much strife and anger against Himself just by trying to conform rather then to tell the blunt truth. We are called to first tell the truth...and then to try to get along with folks.


The posts on c.c are just the tip of a person's life.

I entreat that all speak with more love.

If I saw someone alone and isolated. I would prayerfully approach them and listen.

If they were violent I would restrain them until they are calm and not agitated them but by showing them the same love God has shown me, restore peace and a sound mind.

I would not abandon them or call them names or yell at them, because God never treated me that way.

People have, to the point of even tears and heartbreak, but God's hand has always been gentle and loving.

He has always wiped away my tears and told me he loves me.

well that's it then

there are 2 on this thread who consider themselves teachers

both are rude and nasty

both have been spoken to kindly by quite a few people and they continue just the same

sorry, but scripture does say to mark those who do this sort of thing

they are eating at a garbage dump, not the Lord's table. I cannot at all leave God's presence without knowing that I depend on Him for even being kind to others. I don't know, maybe that is how He wants it.

I absolutely would have no problem if they would stop their trash talk and post as if the rest of the human beings in this forum actually mattered

I just do not even address them, however I see no point in overlooking the mess either.

you know, respectfully, I am sure most of us pray here and I pray about how to deal with this sort of thing and honestly I have to guard my heart. and I am not an exception

the best is to ignore them as their purpose is not to grow in Christ and if someone wants to call that judgmental then please go right ahead

I've been at this Christianity thing a long time and Christians need to act redeemed and not just speak words

without Christ I can be very unloving because I have about lost patience with the human race, but I know God's heart grieves over His creation and I want His heart and He knows I do

if I were giving a Bible study, I would ask these people to leave and come back when they have a repentant heart and I believe that would be biblical

there are consequences to behavior and sometimes it helps when the bill is due

I don't own the forum nor moderate and it seems to be above the ability of certain people to moderate themselves
Dec 2, 2016
People need to try to be calm(hard sometimes). I was in a forum once where this man was very knowledgeable about the bible and he had a theory about Revelation. We got along just find until one day I disagreed with him about a small part of his theory and I respectfully pointed out why. Well, the man went totally insane and begin to call me names, I learned later that he always reacted that way with anyone who disagreed with him in any way. Later we had a discussion on being born again, and guess what, he was not even saved! He really knew the bible and liked to discuss it(as long as no one disagreed with him) and yet he was not even saved. I am just trying to encourage Christians to remember that not all those on Christian forums have the Spirit of Christ.
Dec 28, 2016
Are you saying all prosperity gospel followers are not saved?

It is ironic if this is your position, because I know many believers in prosperity type churches
who know the Lord but are miss-guided.
That's where you fail oft in thinking others are making statements they've not made. For instance, the accusation that many on here love sin and are defending their sin.

As stated in the past to make that determination concerning one being lost is above my pay grade. Yet, it is noted that you believe it is not above your pay grade to determine several on this forum as lost.



I was surprised to read you are only 34. You are the age of my oldest son. You post as someone older. I'm shocked at how many younger people are not thinkers. You can see it when some argue about politics too. They just believe and speak out whatever the news reports and explains how they should think. My son is a thinker too and like you can have a conversation based on things they have actually thought personally about.
I have learnt it's not how long you have been alive on this Earth that matters when it come to spiritual maturity.

Nor how long you study and read the Bible.

Nor how long you pray.

Nor how long you attend church.

Spiritual maturity comes from not only listening or reading God's words, but understanding and living the lessons God teaches us in the Bible. This can only be done through the Holy spirit.

Are we like Martha or like Mary?

Do we run around "doing" that we never stop to just sit and LISTEN?

If your kids always did what they thought you wanted them to do, but never actually stopped to listen or ask for see some bad things happening.

Had to shut my daughter down yesterday because she interrupted me while speaking to her 3rd reading group,because she thought she knew what I was going to say.

I told her that interrupting people was rude and she need to listen because her comment showed that she was not. The other kids in the group are being respectful and listening. Just because she is my daughter, means she should know better and I expect more from respect and not less.

It was the third time she tried to tell me a,d the group what we were saying.

Very frustrating because she got it wrong because she only listened to half the statement before jumping to conclusions.