No child asks to be bullied. No child should ever expect to be bullied. No child should ever "get used to" being bullied. Bullying and dealing with bullies is not a right of passage of childhood. It should never, ever happen in the first place.
Regardless of what a child is like, even if they are, as you say "a loner and a loser", that child should not be bullied by his or her peers.
No child should ever be treated badly by bullies, or by anyone else.
However... they are.
In real life, bad things happen, and we can, and should, expect them.
Do you lock the doors on your house?
The same rules that apply to your house also apply to the schoolyard...
bad people exist, and sometimes they show up and do bad things.
Therefore, it's best if we can be prepared.
We live in a fallen world, where bad things happen.
It is not YOUR fault that you weren't prepared to deal with these things as a kid.
It's nor your fault.
But as you saw for yourself, prepared or not, you will still encounter the bad.
Therefore, if we can be better prepared, then we are better able to deal with it.
For adults, or for the children of the world, bad people will keep doing bad things.
The more we just honestly recognize this, and prepare for it, in SOME WAY, the better off we'll be.
We live in a fallen world.
Bullies have been around forever, and they aren't going anywhere.
Because bad actions come from a bad heart... and humans are born with a heart problem.
God Bless,