This is a very important topic. How best can we understand what Jesus Christ said when He said plainly that it will be easier for a camel to pass through the niddle's eye than a rich man entering into God's kingdom.
The rich man could of been saved,which he asked Jesus how he can inherit eternal life,which Jesus said follow the 6 commandments that have to do with loving people,and the man said he did that,but Jesus said he lacked one thing.
Sell all you have and give to the poor then you shall be perfect to inherit eternal life,but the rich man went away and did not heed what Jesus said for he had many possessions and did not want to part with them(Mark 10:17-25).
Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God,which means they will not make it.
The Bible says a person cannot serve two masters,money and God,for they will love the one and hate the other(Matthew 6:24).
The Bible says that those that accept Christ that are rich are to distribute their money(1 Timothy 6:17-19).
Love works no ill towards their neighbor,therefore love is the fulfilling of the law(Romans 13:10).
God's kingdom is based on love,so the saints have to love people by helping the poor and needy with their needs if possible.
God only blesses with our needs not our wants,and we are to bless people with their needs if we can.
The Bible says some people pray amiss,because they do it to heap it upon their lusts,their wants(James 4:3).
John says if any person has this world's goods,and his brother is in need,and he shuts up the bowels of compassion for him,then the love of God does not dwell in him.
Let us not love in word only,but in deed,and in truth(1 John 3:17-18).
James says if a brother or sister be naked,and destitute of daily food,and someone says depart in peace,be wormed and filled,but does nothing to help them with their need,then they have no faith(James 2:14-16).
Paul said if any person believes that God blesses with money,and material gain,and teaches that,withdraw yourself from them,having food and clothing,be content.
For the love of money is the root of all evil,which some coveted after and erred from the faith,and pierced themselves through with many sorrows(1 Timothy 6:3-10).
The love of money is the root of all evil for it violates the 2 greatest laws,love God,and love people,for if you love people,you love God,and the love of money neglects the poor and needy,which is what it is all about,loving people.
The early Church sold all they had,and distributed to each saint as they had need,and had all things in common(Acts 2:42-47;Acts 4:32-35).
The rich people shall not inherit eternal life if when they confess Christ,and hold unto money and material things,not wanting to give them up,or believing that God blesses with those things so they retain them,not understanding it is about loving people,and God loves people,not blessing the saints with their wants.
But the rich person can inherit eternal life,if they are willing to only go by their needs,and not their wants,and sell their possessions and give to the poor,and to distribute their money among those who are poor.
But this will not fly with many people,for they do not like this for they love their money and material things,and they too will go away sad,and grieved,like the rich man,and will not believe it is the truth that they have to do that to inherit eternal life,and even people that are not rich will not like it either.
It is all about loving people,and helping people out with their needs,for God's kingdom is based on love,and love works no ill towards their neighbor,therefore love is the fulfilling of the law,and helping them with their needs.
The 2 greatest commandments,love God,and love people,and all the law and prophets hang on these two laws,and the universal law that affects everybody,is creation testifies that there is a God,and He loves people,so the world is without excuse.
It is all about loving people,in which you will love God.
That is why the love of money is the root of all evil for it violates what the world according to God is to be based on,loving people,for it neglects the poor and needy.
Many will not hear that and even preachers that are popular being worth millions of dollars,as they believe that is how God blesses,and teaches people that,in which God said withdraw yourself from them,having food and clothing,be content.
Many do not want to believe it has a bearing on eternal life,because they love money,and material things,and worldliness,even when Jesus said it does.
The love of money is the root of all evil,for it does not love people.