Yes, I’ve been paying attention, but I know very little about UK politics. What is the difference between the Conservative, Labor, and Liberal Democratic parties?
Good question.
Traditionally speaking the Conservatives (AKA Tories) are meant to be right wing and got the middle and upper class votes (privatisation, deregulation and the free market etc). Labour are supposed to be the lefties and appealed to the working class (socialist policies, trade unions, nationalisation etc). The LibDems, in recent decades have always been stuck in the middle. Their supposed priorities are civil liberties and democracy (eg. they're opposed to ID cards and they want proportional representation).
However, more recently, all three parties seem to have lost their roots and seem happy to abandon their traditional ideals to gain some opportunistic votes. This can be seen with Tony Blair's New Labour, which took the party further right, presumably in an attempt to win the middle class vote (which they apparently managed and gave them a landslide victory in '97). At the same time, they still managed to become increasingly authoritarian and are who I blame for our present Big Brother Nanny State (no prizes for guessing that they didn't get my vote).
In the most recent campaign the Tories seemed to be embracing, or at least tolerating some left wing principles (eg. coming out giving their full support to the NHS). And the LibDems seem just as quick to abandon their liberal ideals where it suits them (eg. they were all-out in favour of smoking bans).
So, it's a horrible horrible mess. The thing is, many people are tribal voters and are still voting based on the parties' old ideals. So the lads in Leeds working men's clubs will still vote Labour, even though they've completely lost touch with the working class, and the toffs still vote Tory.
In the wake of all this, some smaller parties have been able to fill the policy void left by the other 3. For example, the British National Party, while often accused of being 'extreme right wing' are actually very economically left wing. Also, the UK Independence Party have managed to steal some Tory voters (and members) because they are genuinely right wing.
Of course I don't believe it really matters who we elect as long as we're part of the EU. All the 3 main parties are pro-EU (some more than others, but at this stage the extent matters little).
That's a brief summary of a few things that spring to mind, and it is no doubt tainted by my own personal political beliefs, but there you go.