I'm a Baby Boomer Feminist. The only problem I have with wolf calls, is I don't get any anymore. I've got no problems with "barefoot and in the kitchen," unless you think I'm responsible for making dinner just because I like going barefoot, and my sodas are in the refrigerator in the kitchen. I've got no problems with "women's work." What I do have problems with, and always will, is when a boss told me something when I asked for the same amount of money a co-worker who had the same job I had but was a man.
He told me, "Jim get's more money than you because he takes care of his family with his income. He also has experience in this industry."
My response? "Jim's family consist of Jim and his wife. My family consist of me and my husband. I take care of my family with my income too. And, I don't just have experience in this industry. I've been working exactly here for nine years now! I have experience in this business!"
I am a feminist because there are still meatheads like that in the world, and I'll be damned before I buy that crap! Equal pay for the same job whether you're a man or a woman! If it weren't for Baby Boomer feminists, you'd be getting paid 70% of what a man would be paid. You'd still be "get my coffee, honey" as the VP in a corporation. And you'd be blushing at your boss playing handsies with your butt, instead of kneeing him.
THAT is what feminism has given you, and I'm not backing down with I am a feminist.
I am not a feminist. I am antifeminism and not backing down from not being a feminist. I am FOR equal pay for equal work. That does not make me a feminist. Feminism is also very much linked to abortion. Gloria Steinem was all about women proclaiming proudly that they had ended their children's lives.
At the recent Women's March, prolife women's groups had applied to march with the feminists, but they were denied. The march was also organized by a Muslim who is all about Sharia law.
I do not wish to identify with any movement that numbers Madonna, Ashley Judd, and Muslims who believe in Sharia in their number.
I think it is a mistake to say if you believe in equal pay for equal work, you MUST be a feminist.