i'm one of the people whose theology troubles her so. 
i asked my husband earlier to help me not compromise what i believe and still show her i love her.
i'm afraid i may have failed in that.
i think its important for everyone to realize that hell is a real place, its the perception that God is wanting to throw people into Hell, rather than the truth that satan is the one trying to drag people to Hell, God is the One saving people from going there. some consider even the mention of hell to be another person condemning others to hell. gotta stick to the truth either way. Hell is a real place and people will end up there according to the word of God. its a very fine line to understand Hell is not Gods will that anyone end up there, its the will of satan because He is condemned to hell, to drag others into it with Him...and sadly those who turn thier Hearts away from Gods way out, will be there.
that being said, faith in Jesus Christ doesnt allow for hell to be our destination, God has made the way for us to be with Him in paradise for eternity. through Faith in Jesus, but its not as a universalist would say that Gods just too good to allow anyone to end up there, its our choice, and the awareness that its a real place, is important, helps us understand the importance of sharing Jesus with those we come in contact with. but everyone should always understand that Jesus is the one deciding, not any one of us, its all between Jesus and the One who belongs to him. truth isnt always pleasant, but its true, and should be understood that satan is working hard to drag people there, and God has provided us freedom from His grasp through Jesus Christ who is the most important One in all of existance.
its one thing to share Love, its another for a Loving father to not make clear the dangers to His children, wouldnt be Love without warnings. its all true, what we like to hear, and what we dont like to hear. The focus of christians should always be the way OUT of Hell, and never the way to hell.
i hope this isnt misundersttod as condemning anyone, but the terrible truth is that satan has a will as well, its called evil. and God has made Life where there was no hope, faith is the answer in God through Jesus