No, Lynn, it's not about a red sports car. I used it as an arbitrary example to highlight the dynamics. I kinda think it's a good thing to be able to talk things over, whatever it may be. I don't understand why we have to be so competitive. Your response is also a good example of what I think shouldn't happen. Why can't we be kinder to one another? Why can't we express our concern in a positive way? Sounds like (a) you thought your daddy was being childish to want to buy a Harley and (b) when he got into an accident, your thoughts were basically, serve you right, you idiot. Is it so hard to just show your concern and tell your daddy not to buy a motorbike because you'd be worried about him, or that you think, even for someone younger than him (i.e. you), the roads are quite unsafe? Why must your husband prove you wrong? Why can't you just tell him you don't want to be seen in a red sports car with him because you think it gives off the wrong message? Why can't you tell him what kind of man you think he is to you, what you love about him, and what kind of car suits your image of him? You really don't think there's anything wrong with this? I don't talk to my daughter or wife this way. I don't let them do what they want if I think it's wrong. I share my concern but let them decide for themselves. And I support them whichever way they decide. I'd like them to respond to me in the same way. Is that so wrong?