I am baffled by many things on this thread/topic. 1) The evil in this world is the evidence of God allowing man to witness the repercussions of rejecting Him. The curse of this world was not brought upon us by Satan, but by mans arrogant decision to believe the lie satan told, in as far as becoming "like" God, if the transgression against Him was carried out. Adam could have told satan to go to hell where he belonged, but instead, arrogantly chose to believe and INVEST in that lie.
2) It is obvious that evil comes from satan, but he still doesn't rule over us because Jesus and the finished work of the cross ransomed our pathetic lives from that evil and brought us into right standing with God once and for all through the divine genius of Jesus becoming every filthy, rotten, wicked, evil, contemptuous sin man could perform out of his own imagination and arrogance.
3) Long before Adam, God, knowing the betrayal of mans heart toward His own, put a Master Plan into place that would allow reconciliation between God and fallen man... Christ Jesus was the plan and He saw it through to the end. We have been ransomed from satan AND the shackles of sin by which we were once bound and condemned.
4) Jesus sits at the right hand of God, BECAUSE...that's what one does when their perfect work is finished and there is nothing left to do.
5) The right hand in scripture ALWAYS signifies power, favor, strength, blessing, inheritance...all of which we know Jesus has been given by His Father God and already owned as being God in the flesh anyway.
6) He rules and reigns from His Holy place beside the Father, interceding for all of us who are still imperfect, though forgiven of our sins because of the ultimate Blood sacrifice of Christ. Our very names...ALL of them, not one forgotten, are crimson in color by the priceless Holy "life-force" of Jesus. We speak of the whiteness (or purity) restored to us once again by the "washing of His blood" and that we are made the righteousness of God IN CHRIST JESUS.
7) Yet, some want to argue over what power satan has in this world? Some want to question the sovereignty of the Almighty God in whose character, holiness, power, magnificence, glory, etc is MAGNIFIED AND MANIFESTED in Jesus Christ, our Lord... our High Priest, Our King, our God.
8) What does it matter, the subject of satan having "limited power" at this time in the world? We know... he knows... the end of the "story". Why give him the time of day about his pitifully, weak influence he has in this world? Yes, his dark ways are indeed influential in the life of mankind, but ultimately, it is MAN'S decision to fall for the lies...yet again, or refuse them for what they are and adhere strongly to Jesus for power against it.
9) He bled and died on the cross, in our place... to give us His, so that we might have the God given authority over "rulers of darkness and principalities in high places"... ie; satan.
10) The irrefutable Power of God lives within us that we might use wisdom in remembering this fact.~ Jesus Is King. To that, there is no legitimate doubt. The Word of God is clear about that fact. Why can't everyone see it? Even that answer was "divinely documented" for us ... for such a time as this.
Satan's role and how it plays out in this world, was also choreographed by God in great detail with simple instruction to/for us on fighting against it. We are NOT meant to do it alone... (I defer to Adam's unsuccessful and disastrous attempt). I am reminded of the scripture which says, "So, submit yourselves to the One true God and fight against the devil and his schemes. If you do, he will run away in failure". So, rather than building a "false sense" of satans power to argue against, shouldn't we be focusing on the REAL power that IS God and in whose shadow, satan shrinks and runs?
I dunno, but I get a very deep impression that Satan enjoys...wallows luxuriously even, in watching the children of God giving but the slightest mention to his dilapidated "domain of reign". Yes, we are warned to STAND STRONG against his "wiles and schemes"... could entertaining this constant mention of his "power" on earth be one of those schemes?
This thread IS about Jesus Christ being King and exalting His Eternal position as such. Let us stay the course~~~