I have used a car analogy on several occasions to respond to people...
"Guns are dangerous"..... CARS are more dangerous when used improperly. Look at car-related deaths/gun-related deaths.
"Nobody needs a semi-automatic weapon/high capacity magazine, etc.."..... Nobody NEEDS a car that goes more than 40 mph, or that costs more than $10,000.
"Think of the children that are endangered with guns"..... Do a search on injuries and deaths of children by/in cars. Studies have shown that injuries in car accidents are dramatically reduced or eliminated with a reduction in speed. If a Federal law was passed, banning the manufacture or possession of any car that can exceed 40 mph, thousands upon thousands of lives would be saved. Think of the children. Isn't it worth a little personal inconvenience to ensure the safety of the children? Certainly nobody could be against that. Let's put it to a vote.
Final thought.... owning and driving cars is NOT a right... it's a privilege, and a convenience.