Oh, you are going to address the point I brought up in my post, right?
Why is it impossible for the unbeliever who never believed who rejects the gospel to later repent and accept Jesus, per Hebrews 6:4-6. If that's what many Christians say the passage means, why do unbelievers only get one crack at repentance?
Obviously, that interpretation of the passage is absurd. It's obviously not about people who never believed not getting a second chance to come to Christ after passing up the one and only chance God gives them. It makes much more sense that the author is talking to and about his audience--saved, sanctified true believers being tempted to abandon the justification they have received in Christ and going back to a so-called justification by the law. There is no return possible for the person who tramples on the blood of Christ that sanctified them (unbelievers have not been sanctified by the blood of Jesus) by going back to the law, or anything else, for justification.
I have used this analogy before regarding Hebrews 6. Maybe you have seen it maybe you haven't.
If you have ever been on a wine tasting tour you know that you go from vineyard to vineyard TASTING various wines. You smell the wine, you swill the samples around your mouth, and you ultimately spew them out. You can do this all day long WITHOUT getting the effects (intoxication) of the wine. You can be AROUND those who DID imbibe and see the intoxicating results of actually imbibing INSTEAD of merely TASTING but you yourself won't get intoxicated by spewing the wine.
I believe THIS is what the writer of Hebrews is trying to relate. There are those that hear the Gospel. Maybe repeatedly. They have TASTED the Lord's goodness, and maybe even seen Him work in their life. They may have associated for a time with those that HAVE imbibed (accepted) Jesus, and seen Him work in THEIR lives. but THEY NEVER accepted Him. Just tasted Him AND SPEWED HIM OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS. Rejecting that Jesus is the ONLY Way, or that they need a Savior at all.
Judas is a prime example of this type of person. He saw the works of Jesus, His goodness, His miracles, and yet NEVER believed Jesus was who He said He was.
Interesting that this is somewhat what Jesus will do to those wishy washy, lukewarm, in name only Christians. SPEW THEM OUT OF HIS MOUTH.
So once we CONSUME wine and get the effects (intoxication) we may vomit the wine out, BUT the EFFECTS (intoxication) don't go away.
In the same way, when we accept Jesus, and are SEALED with the Holy Spirit, we will NEVER lose the effects (eternal life) though other bad things may indeed happen to us by not following His direction.
Think on this. Don't give a kneejerk reaction. Pray on it. You DO NOT have to go through your walk fearing that at some point you will no longer believe in Him. Take rest in Him. His yoke is light.