I have had to apologize for my part in several arguments, even when he was the [blank] who started it in the first place. But regardless of how he is acting, I still need to maintain my integrity as a Christian woman, and at times I have not followed through with that calling. During those times I need to apologize for my impatience, short temper, etc.
But anyway, my advice... one thing that has helped me, is not to hold him to TOO high of expectations, but not let him get away with slacking off either. I am the more energetic partner, and sometimes I find that the more I do, the easier it is for him to watch me do it all. Not cool. We have to revisit this issue often. On the other hand, I am the more energetic partner so I can't expect him to do as much as I do in a day. Fair enough.
It is great to be optimistic about your life and your partner, but the reality is that you are both imperfect, and he will be selfish, lazy, irritating, etc. at times. When my husband gets on my nerves too much and I feel the anger rising, I retreat and tell on him to my Father. That's right, I tell my Abba what a meanie hubby is being, and it's not fair, and I thought Abba should know. It helps me to put into words exactly what I am angry about, get it off my chest to someone who really does care about it, gives me a few moments to consider how I should address the issue. Then I go fight my battle with hubby much better equipped.
The other thing that is INVALUABLE to marriage is girlfriends. You need some sisters to have girl-time with and help talk you through the big "what should I do" questions that inevitably will arise. The trick, though, is making sure those girlfriends aren't going to let you get away with complain complain complaining without making some changes to make the situation better. It has been my experience that women love to get sucked into relationship drama, but it is the ones who help pull you out that are truly invaluable friends. So if you don't have some already, build up your support network of strong christian ladies. Healthy support for you and your husband will only make your relationship strong (but BE CAREFUL of those that are not healthy!!!)
I hope this is practical and helpful.
Be blessed