I have a problem my mom is an absolute control freak. I am 16 and I am an upcoming senior meaning I'll graduate next may. My mom wants me to go to UTD (university of north texas) and major in business, but I feel God leading me to ACU (Abilene Christian University) and major in nursing. She's come to the point of where she's refusing to pay for the college which isn't a big deal. It's the other things that she gets really angry about. I mean she lies a lot. She tells me she told me something and she didn't and if I say she never told me that she'll hit me. It's quite frustrating. One time she hit my brother and I told her he didn't deserve that and she gave me a bloody nose. I know I can't say anything to the authorities because if they found out I'd have to leave my wonderful school and it might crush my college dreams. At the moment she's not letting me get a job because she knows that is how I'm trying to pay for college. It's frustrating cause every time she hits me I want to hit her back, but I know I have to honor my parents. Any Christian views on how I should deal with this situation.