America has a welcome mat and a front door. Just knock and we'll do the things necessary to get you in, under our ways.
Problem is folks don't want to use the welcome mat and they don't want to use the front door.
Instead they want to smash a window, then they grab a broom and start sweepin the kitchen floor. When the owner comes downstairs and sees someone they don't know sweepin the floor, they get mad cuz someone broke in.
Now the person sweepin the floor is like, "Hey what's it matter? Your floor needed sweepin anyways!"
To which the home owner says, "BUT YOU BROKE IN MY HOUSE!"
To which the broom sweeper might say, "But I don't have a house and there is plenty of room and you got tons of work around here I could do and I need a job. So whats the problem?"
To which the home owner says, "BUT YOU BROKE IN TO MY HOUSE!!!"
To which the broom sweeper says, "What do I look like a burgular?"
To which the home owner says, "BUT YOU BROKE IN TO MY HOUSE!!!"
Ok, so yeah illegals have tons of reasons to justify bein here. But like in my lil insta-parable there.......
Problem is folks don't want to use the welcome mat and they don't want to use the front door.
Instead they want to smash a window, then they grab a broom and start sweepin the kitchen floor. When the owner comes downstairs and sees someone they don't know sweepin the floor, they get mad cuz someone broke in.
Now the person sweepin the floor is like, "Hey what's it matter? Your floor needed sweepin anyways!"
To which the home owner says, "BUT YOU BROKE IN MY HOUSE!"
To which the broom sweeper might say, "But I don't have a house and there is plenty of room and you got tons of work around here I could do and I need a job. So whats the problem?"
To which the home owner says, "BUT YOU BROKE IN TO MY HOUSE!!!"
To which the broom sweeper says, "What do I look like a burgular?"
To which the home owner says, "BUT YOU BROKE IN TO MY HOUSE!!!"
Ok, so yeah illegals have tons of reasons to justify bein here. But like in my lil insta-parable there.......
On a side note, did you guys see the human being that got beat to death while he begged for mercy by immigrant officials? They were just dragging him out of your house. Or did you see the minor they killed? They must have been dragging him out of your house too.
The illegal immigration problem would stop if Americans refused to give illegal immigrants job, but they sure do like the cheap labor. I mean, isnt it illogical? To say "Don't come here!" and under the table one says, "work for me, I'll give you a job."