16 “Let no one, then, judge you in eating or in drinking, or in respect of a feast, or of a new moon, or of sabbaths,”
For Doing or not doing? Or Both? If we look at this verse in the context of the time and culture it was written in we may have an idea. The Pharisees and Sadducees were of the ruling class religiously, socially and economically. After captive Israyl left Babylon the calendar was altered and so were the Feast Days of YHWH, so if an individual did not keep a Feast Day according to what the Pharisees said they could be killed. 23 vols of man made “law” were made, now called the Babylonian Talmud, this is not the Law of the Most High and is purely man made religion.
The prophet Zecharyah was killed over this very matter and Yahshua Himself mentioned the murder;
Matthew 23:34-35, “Because of this, see, I send you prophets, and wise men, and scholars of Scripture, Some of them you shall kill and impale, and some of them you shall flog in your congregations and persecute from city to city, so that on you should come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Heḇel to the blood of Zeḵaryah, son of Bereḵyah, whom you murdered between the Dwelling Place and the altar."
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]The prophet Zecharyah (father of John the baptist) had a disagreement with the Pharisees about what day to keep the Day of Atonement, they commanded him to not honor it on the day YHWH said to but to rather honor the day they supplied, “the tradition of the elders”. Zecharyah chose to obey YHWH, and his body was killed because of it...
Mattithyah 15:2-3, "Why do Your disciples transgress the traditions of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat. But He answered, and said to them: And why do you transgress the Laws of Yahweh by your traditions?"