So we all know, should know, that church is simply God's people but they usually gather at a building on the Lord's day.....Icant find one. Most of the churches here are all carnal and honestly just disgusting its all fake fske Christians, fake preacher's, bad preaching, and overall just lost people being religious. I want a church a biblical one but i cant seem to find one around me. Im only 17 don't have a car atm so it's not super easy to get to a church anyway but if i could find one I'd try my best lol. Anyway i was wondering how do you find a biblical church what are the signs? What to look for? And how do you know? Any help would be appreciated thanks and God bless.
I studied many religions for years, and only found the Church of Christ to be
biblically accurate- which is the only way to identify the real church from false churches- does it match the church Christ established? If you look us up, we were not started by Alexander Campbell- he just realized, like 8 year old King Josiah, that “Hey wait a minute, we’re not following the way of the Lord, let’s get back on track.” He restored people back to the original doctrine of Christ (restoration is bringing back, not creating new). Because since Christ established His church, many branch-off churches started by people changing one thing after another. Why is it important? Because false doctrines do not result in salvation. “They worship Me
in vain- their doctrine is merely human rules.”
If you like to read, there’s a book about a couple who put a pile of church pamphlets on their living room floor, and one by one studied to see which one matched the Bible. You can already guess it was the Church of Christ, but you might be interested to see their questions and answers. The book is called “Muscle and a Shovel” because it takes digging into the Word of God, and a lot of thinking and prayer to see the truth. We all have to do this for ourselves, but this book offers a major head start. The author is Micheal Shank.