I seen it done to a man one time. He was in the greenhouse when two girls were working on him to have sex with both of them, I reckon, while one was saying "If you don't use it, you will lose it." I had the hose and sprayed at squirt at them lightly, but they kept at it. I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble by my boss in the store for drenching the two cashiers or not, so I did not do it as much as I wanted to.
The guy caved in and he left with one of the two girls after work. I saw them together in the parking lot and wanted to say "Nooo.... nooo.. don't do it." I am not sure if I did say that, but I know I was thinking it. If I did say it, he did not listen.
I am pretty sure that young guy in high school knew he was not going to lose it if he did not have sex, but it does make one wonder why women can't take no for an answer. Because they know they can wear men down?
I remember her propositioning me at lunch time, and I said no. Began preaching against it, because I think she had asked why, and then she said I was ruining the mood.
There was another time when I was younger from that time I was working, a girl was asking me in front of her boyfriend and her friends that she wanted me to go with her somewhere to have sex when she had found out I never had any and she said that I would not regret it. I do not know why I did not say no right away. I just found her proposition like some kind of trick as if she wants her boyfriend to punch my face in or something and so I said no to the point of her boyfriend being right there. Then she went over to the car and asked him right in front of me and he said he did not care if I had sex with her. Noting the oddity of the situation as not some kind of trick by the girl to get more attention from her boyfriend, it was then that I had stated no to sex with her because God says it is wrong.
I was not on top of my game in knowing scripture well enough to show her, but I think I basically said that sex is for married people. It is a sin against God to have sex outside of marriage. She disagreed. I did not have a Bible handy to look for scripture to show her.
And I did not think of asking her if she believed in Jesus Christ or not. Another shortcoming at that moment also.
I had tried to show the scripture to the woman at work but she believed fornication was referring to prostitution and she doubted the Bible by saying who knows what it really says?
Every once in a while, I still pray for that girl that I used to work with because she says she is a believer in Jesus Christ; I do not want her to be left behind for not repenting from that iniquity. It gets worse when her mother taught her to be that way in finding the right man, because she says "You never know....." Problem is.. years later, I found out her father divorced from her mother and so if she was using fornication to find the right husband, then what her mother had taught her didn't work either for all the doubts she put in her daughter about finding the right man the way other people do by waiting until after marriage to have sex.
Anyway... with Hollywood messing with people's minds as what is normal in having sex before marriage, and I even knew a guy that got mad because a girl he had dated did not have sex with him; almost like he expected that to be a given, not that he disrespected her or anything, but he did not go out with her any more. Some guys actually believe they are supposed to have sex when they go on a date. Even television shows are painting that "reality".
So is it any wonder why there is sexual harassment? Especially when entertainment in the media glamorized a woman saying no but the guy kisses her any way and then she gives in while romantic music signify the scene as love conquers all... or should we say "lust"?
It is a messed up society we live in. Cat calling is just a sign that the christian man is not abiding in Christ; but running the way the world runs. Indeed, in this culture, nobody can really expect the average sinner to not cat call when society's standard for sex appeal and their sinful nature is programming them to.
But christians should be leaning on Jesus not to love the things in the world;
1 John 2:[SUP]15 [/SUP]Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.[SUP] 16 [/SUP]For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.[SUP] 17 [/SUP]And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
It is ironic that most women do nothing to men that cat call, but I have seen how people can join the mob in mistreating someone as a sexual harasser when that person did not sexually harassed any one, but seemingly looked at someone for an inordinate amount of time to be accused as one, regardless that he is a virgin and has no desire to have sex before marriage. Such witch hunt can be performed just for sport in bullying in making someone quit, but when the truth comes out, who will believe the false accusers the next time when they are the ones that are actually sexually harassed?
Apparently, some girls have not heard the tale of the boy who cried wolf.