This is a late response and the election is over, but to address your concerns pertaining to the candidates, it is easily seen which one stands for the right of this country [USA] and which stands for the changes that have been taking this country farther and farther away from sound doctrines. Now you follow your conscience in these matters and do what you think is right pertaining to the Lords commandment, but if you will also study the "Whole" bible, you will find that the heavenly Father stated that no person rules in the kingdom of men but Him which implies that no person sets in the high offices of the nations that He has not promoted or allowed. You will also find that it is recorded in the writings of the Old Testament where the Father not only used gentiles for His purposes, but names them and appointed their times. So do that which you will, but I prefer to follow the Lords commandment and be active in the direction of this country [USA] in the hopes that righteousness will prevail.
God Bless