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But here is the TRUTH, believe what the KJV says, and you will be fine.
It is only when people don't believe what it says that they seek other means to interpret that verse to mean something other than what it says. This can be effectively achieved using the Hebrew and/or Greek method of interpreting Scriptures.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††
A lot of people WANT to know what it says but don't understand the archaic language. It's as simple as that. God can't be confined to old usage. Some people find it awkward to get at the truth by struggling with outdated English. THANK GOD for the work of scholars who made up to date language translations.
Parent A, is leaving their children for a while to live on their own, Parent A leaves simple, easy to follow instructions for their children to follow and to obey, easy to understand, easy to read, made exactly for those children.
Parent B, is leaving their children for a while to live on their own, Parent B leaves hard to understand, and difficult instructions for their children to follow and obey. Parent B wants their children to become learned first in order to understand the instructions that they left for them. Parent B wants those children to interpret, study, discect, question the instructions left to them, in order for them to understand the instructions that Parent B left for them.
Tell me. Which of the two parents LOVES their children more?
Parent A left accurate, simple instructions for their children to understand, and obey. So there is not question what Parent A wants of their children
Parent B left accurate, difficult instructions for their children to LEARN and interpret the understanding, So there is much questioning and confusion in what Parent B actually wants them to do.
Parent A wants them to obey the instruction and what they say, period, no intellect required, just do what it says.
Parent B wants them to use their own intellect to interpret the instructions, intellect required. Different levels of intellect in the children produces different interpretations of the instructions given by Parent B
Scriptures was written in a very simple and easy way to understand. Leave it to this generation and their intellect to take something that is simple and cause confusion, strife, and the different interpretations of the Word of God, based solely on their own intellect.
God is not the author of confusion, satan is. For 400 years the KJV was the ONLY Word of God, and many of our Brothers and Sisters were SAVED via the KJV. Get into the Last Days, and since satan can't get rid of the KJV, for he has tried to do so, he does the next best thing, Get people to stop reading it, create hundreds of different versions of the Bible, cause confusion among Christians to which one to read. Now if a person does not like a particular version, thats OK, just search for another version that you will agree with and use that, of coarse if you find something in that version that you don't agree with, well simply search for another version, there are hundreds of different versions, satan is happy, as long as you are not reading the Word of God, the KJV.
God made the KJV simple and easy to understand, for those who read it and do not put it down, but continues to read it and ask God for understanding, then God opens up the understanding of that person, and then they will also tell you that the KJV is easy to understand. But if a person picks up the KJV and reads some of it, and thinks this is way to confusing, what do they immediately do (NOT go to God in prayer) but they search out a version created by the last days generation that is going to be easier for them to understand. And then when they find that version, they call it the Word of God.
Our Father made His instruction easy to understand, because He Loves us that Much, He is like unto Parent A above. It is not, nor ever has been His desire that people become educated, learned, or scholars, in order to come to the understanding of His simple understand of His Word.
People seek education, scholars advice, commentaries, other books, other versions to try to understand Scriptures.
God wants us to pray to Him and seek the Holy Spirit of TRUTH to supernaturally understand Scriptures. But this generation has no patience to wait on God to reveal anything to them, so they immediately seek OTHER means to learn Scriptures.
Interpretations belong to God, NOT to men.
Men add their own interpretations to the Scriptures because God has not revealed that TRUTH to them, So they go about to learn this TRUTH or that TRUTH via their own means, their own studies, their own interpretations. Is it any wander there are hundreds of different denominations of the Christian Faith? Any wander there are hundreds of different versions of the Word of God?
Scriptures over and over again plainly teach "Be of one mind", and "Think the same things", and "Do not be divided" Yet look at this generation, We are not ONE mind, but we have hundreds of different minds. We do not think the same things, we think hundreds of different things. We do not stand as one body, but we are divided. If a body has no eyes it stumbles about. If a body has no arms it can't hug anyone. If a body has no legs it can't walk anywhere. Are there eyes in the Church body? Yes. Are there arms in the Church body? Yes. Are there legs in the Church today? Yes. But are they ONE BODY? that answer is no.
satan knows that if we actually became ONE body, and worked as ONE body, and all had ONE mind, and all thought the same thing, the Church body would be unstoppable. So satan causes division. The arms staying to themselves just being arms without a body. The eyes staying to themselves, just being eyes without a body. The legs staying to themselves, just being legs without a body.
satan has got the Body so divided up it is pathetic. And God set up the Church exactly as God wanted it set up.
1Co_12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
Where is this Church today? Do those who speak in tongues not all congregate among themselves? Where are those with the Gift of Healing? Where are those who perform miracles in the Church? And God forbid if someone says they are prophet, which God set up to be Second in the Church that God has set up. But no, not this generation a person who says they are a prophet will be stoned to death, falsely accused as a "self proclaimed prophet" even if that prophet plainly says God made him a prophet, Which he is NOT self proclaiming to be one, but is testifying what God made him. There is a difference. Anyways. The Church Body, Where are the prophets? satan has decieved the last days generation into believing there are no prophets any more. Therefore the Church of the last days generation has no prophets in it. How is that Church Body whole? It isn't, the Church body today is sick, diseased with the influence of satan. Divided and many different minds, many different versions of the Bible, many different beliefs, many different doctrines.
Oh how i wish i would depart this wicked generation, my soul is vexed daily because of the lack of Love in this world. Only if He would take my life tonight, why wait, right now.
i am still here, but it is better that i remain here to reveal to you what God has revealed to me. And therefore i am still here.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††