Hello again Lucy! See, we are now discussing
Below is the scripture in question:
"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be
caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
The first group mentioned, "the dead in Christ" are said to rise first. This is the resurrection of those who will have died in Christ from the on-set of the church until the time that the resurrection takes place. The word resurrection comes from two words "ana - up again" and "histemi - to stand" properly "to stand up again." So, the resurrection always refers to the physical body standing up again. Jesus is our example of this, for his spirit left his body and returned three day later to the same body. In support of this, when he appeared before his disciples, when they saw him they thought that they had seen a spirit. But in order to reassure them that it was he himself, he told them to look at his hands and feet, that is, his nail marks and spear mark in his side. Then he said, "a spirit does not have flesh and bone as you see I have." So, Jesus resurrected in the same body that he was buried in, albeit an immortal and glorified body with heavenly abilities.
Immediately after the dead are resurrected, those in Christ who are till alive, their bodies will simply be changed into their immortal and glorified bodies and caught up with those who will have previously been resurrected. Those living can't be resurrected, because their bodies are still alive and will simply be changed where they stand, sit, lying down or whatever they are doing or wherever they are.
Yeah, I agree! When thinking of this event, I have often tried to imagine all of a sudden being an immortal and glorified body and standing in mid air with the rest of the church and looking down on the earth, all taking place in a Nano second. And if that wasn't enough, then meeting the Lord face to face and he taking us to heaven where God the Father will be waiting and where we will be greeted by all of the angels of heaven.
So yes, I also understand the shock value.