I have heard all these arguments before, it is dancing around the truth.
1. The thief on the Cross./ until Jesus (the testator) died the New Testament Dispensation/ salvation was not in effect. The thief on the cross was the last person recorded in The Bible who was dived simply by his Faith alone, and Jesus being God had the absolute right to grant this man salvation. In the OT many people a list too long to list were saved without having to be baptized, which became effective AFTER Jesus died. Read Hebrews chapter 9 to see under the NT different rules went in effect.
Jesus and Nicodemus; Jesus was not talking.g about Water from a womb. This is the latest scam from Satan's playbook to assure people they can skip water Baptism and just getThe Holy Ghost.
Answer this then; why would Jesus himself undergo Water Baptism as a teaching tool for us, which was coming after he died, whereby he tells Nicodemus he must be Baptized Water and Spirit. A two- fold Baptism.(Matthew 3 v 13-17) everyone take special note what Jesus told John The Baptist.; in verse 14 John tells Jesus he needs Jesus to baptize he John in verse 15 Jesus rebuked him: " Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becomes us to FULFILL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS" then John Water Baptized Jesus who was God, and did'nt need to be Baptized, but he did it as OUR EXAMPLE., so the story about it being Womb Water, is another lie from hell.
This thing is right and air tight. I already proved from Scripture whY the Name of The Father, Son, Holy Ghost is ( Jesus).
I proved the Apostles Water Baptized Folks , with Water and Spirit just like Jesus told Nicodemus, (Acts 10 v 45-48) so why argue with me, the simple messenger?
If you don't want to accept scripture and proven sound doctrine then you need to discuss this with Jesus not me. If anyone can find any scripture I have posted is out of context or being falsely portrayed, then show me. I'm not perfect but I have teaching this for over 19 years so let me know. God Bless Everyone here, love the Lord. And Thank him for his