If your parents are unnecessarily forceful, that's one thing. Bad on them. However, if they were and are Christian, they were to reward you for good and love your good and correct you for bad and hate your misbehavior as you grew. No man or woman has ever not needed corrected. Be thankful or whatever that you were corrected appropriately... If you were. Your parents, more than likely, dropped the ball here and there, like everyone... And did they get away with it? If so, well God knew and knows what's up. Now. If you leave them to be alone... There's that. Don't leave on bad terms if possible. However, if you go off to live with someone else, what might happen there? You will not wind up living with God in the flesh. Nope, that's after the rapture. Sure, living alone will keep you from hearing basically someone else's face to face verbal abuse, but then you gotta be good to you, and you'll still hear maybe about verbal abuse of you, though it wasn't done to your face. Now... Maybe one should say, it doesn't matter where you go or how old you are... Your parents will always be your masters. You can sin against them perhaps even when you're miles away from them for 10 years straight. But, you know, people have lived together in all sorts of combinations... But which combinations are appropriate. I mean, if you're not marrying or something... Then again.... One should take a stand for who should live with married couples, maybe even if one is married or not. Like I may have also heard before.... Christians maybe shouldn't live in the same house as non Christians, besides spouse and maybe children.