What do you know now about marriage that you wish you knew when you were a single or newlywed???
Not a thing. I have truly enjoyed the whole ride!!! Haahaha...what I mean is, it has been such a joy to be together for 23 years now and have it get BETTER than dating was!! We can talk about ANYTHING, make jokes....even know what the other will say when we tell a story or whatnot.....there are things we can say to each other that we wouldn't have DARED say to each other back before getting married!!! And just the things we do for each other, it's not like there is anyone else we would even WANT to have do these things with/for us than each other...if you get that?? I don't know how to say what I want to say, but just..well after so many years together my hubby is such a part of me, that I can ask him of anything or he can ask me of anything and all is good.
1. You can do everything God's way and find "the one" but it doesn't make that person perfectly compatable. There's will still be lots of work learning to live with the one God has made for you.*
While I agree that finding "the one" doesn't necessarily mean everything will be perfect, especially without "work" involved, I do have to say I have never considered my marriage to BE "work"!! I love my husband with all I've got and "learning to live" with him has been a joy!
2. Even the most godly marriage from start to finish is not immune to hard times. I think as singles it's so easy for us to look at the tough things married people go through and say, "Well, they must have been not doing things God's way. That's not going to happen to me!" I mean, my dad's cousin got a divorce. She's a Christian and her husband was too at one point. I'm sure she's made mistakes, but I'm not sure she's made any mistakes that I wouldn't have made in her situation. And yes, that is kind of a scary thought for me.
No one is immune to hard times.....singles, marrieds, we all have hard times......it is what we DO with the hard times that matter!!! Hard times for marrieds SHOULD bring them even ever closer together in their love for each other and in their faith in our Lord and Savior.
3. My sister said that when you're a newly wed you have to get used to seeing how you're husband behaves when you're not around. She said that when you're dating, every moment together is special and so you're content just to stare into each other's eyes. BUT, after you're married you can't be doing that 24/7 and so you eventually have to see him playing his Xbox. Or in other words, when you're dating you're always the centre of his attention, but after marriage he can't maintain that all the time. That's not a bad thing, it's just one of the many adjustments.
I have to agree with Kaitlin on this one.....I found and find it a joy to see my hubby doing what he loves to do. I encourage him to do so!!!
4. As a teen you're (or at least I was) told so much "Don't have sex until you're married, then after you get married everything will be perfect." But that does not mean that all your sexual temptations vanish on your wedding day. It wasn't until I heard of people being married and being surprised that they still had struggles with lust that I realized how much I took for granted that sexual temptation is something that only plauges the unmarried. I now think of learning to surrender one's sexual temptations to God as all part of being an adult, married or unmarried.
Hmmm funny....maybe Im weird, but all my sexual desires are for my hubby......
5. Being totally in love with someone doesn't mean you'll always agree, and you won't ever think "Why can't he just see things my way!!"
True, that......
6. Having a good husband is not a substitute for having a good girl friend, or substitue for another important non-spouse relationship. He's a man, not a Swiss Army Knife.
I agree with this. There is NO one I'd rather be with than my husband....but there are times when I NEED to see other friends.
7. Being in love with your husband doesn't mean you'll never say "Eeww... what a boy!!" about any of his bad habits. Is that true? Does your husband ever remind you why you thought boys were gross when you were 7?
8. I've heard it's possible to be totally in love with your husband and not totally love being married. Is that possible?
If it is, I've never came close to experiencing it.
Just a bit more I want to say....bear with me!! hahaha!!
When Papabean and I went to see our pastor before our wedding, he sat with us and talked about marriage....he asked us "what would you say you would each have to put into things in your marriage?? percentage wise....you each give to a decision...or even a dissagreement??" We looked at each other and each said "50%?.. 50/50"....and grinned...thinking ."cool..see we each meet halfway....and see?? we agree!!"....(hahha)...but our pastor said..." I'd like you to consider this....with marriage, we all need to give 100% of ourselves, 100% of the time. Very true, that!!!